transylvanian saxon surnames

Rugeley Anglo-Saxon. This document conferred upon the German population of the territory between Drueni (German: Draas, Romanian: Drueni) and Ortie (German: Broos, Romanian: Ortie) both administrative and religious autonomy and defined their obligations towards the Hungarian monarchs. Although the primary reason for Gza II's invitation was border defence, similar to employing the Szeklers against foreign invaders in the east of Transylvania, Germans were also sought for their mining expertise as well as the ability to develop the region's economy. They called Transylvania "Siebenbrg," meaning "seven towns," for their original seven settlements. Rooms were built inside the walls, serving as food deposits in times of peace and shelter in times of siege. Back in apu, Zakel gives me a tour of Casa Anna, a more modest project than that of Schuster and her husband. ara Oltului in Romanian, after the German name for the Olt river, or the old land as in a word for word translation from German) or Hermannstadt Provinz, based around the picturesque well preserved medieval town of Hermannstadt, today's Sibiu. Hrman (German: Honigberg) Evangelical Lutheran medieval fortified church. . Use the drop-down list to select a specific part of the site. Nearly 200,000 Romanians have this surname. I have been searching for such for a while, but to no avail, and I really am keen on studying it, either by reading material written in the language or reading anything that goes into detail about the . The initial phase of German settlement in Transylvania began in the mid and mid-late 12th century, with colonists travelling to and residing in what would later become known in standard German as Altland (i.e. Most colonists to this area came from Luxembourg (Luxembourgish: Ltzebuerg) and the Moselle River region (see for instance Medardus de Nympz, former knight and founder of the fortified village of Niemesch/Nema in Mona).[22]. For decades, the main task of the German settlers was to defend the southeastern border of the Kingdom of Hungary. After the fall of communism in 1989, around 90% of the Saxons who remained fled Transylvania within a few months. Saxons in Wallachia also settled in Rmnic (i.e. mannerisms). Die The Sachsenheim Originally a house purchased by the Transylvanian Saxons Sick Benefits Society in 1907, the Sachsenheim underwent major renovations in 1910 and 1925. Nearly 150,000 Romanians have this last name. The surrounding area became known as the Nsnerland. 4. It is, therefore, very important to highlight the fact that not all Transylvanian Saxon settlers were German-speaking given the fact that they also stemmed from the contemporary Low Countries (i.e. Transylvanian Saxon/Siweberjesch-Sksesch Material. Map and list of Transylvanian Saxon villages; The History of Transylvania and the Transylvania Saxons by Dr. Konrad Gndisch; Transylvanian Saxon surnames; Transylvanian placenames in different languages General site on the Transylvanian Saxons General forum for the Transylvanian Saxons For example, if the father was named Aelfwald . . 46. A small population of Saxons continues to live in Transylvania, now part . Additionally, German potters and merchants were also present in the former Moldavian capital of Suceava at the end of the 14th century. THE RESTORATION OF THE TRANSYLVANIAN HUNGARIAN ARISTOCRATS. That area was important for mining in the Middle Ages. She recently made a series of tote bags from recycled second-hand clothes for a collaborative art project. The official coat of arms of the town of Sibiu/Hermannstadt, with the water lily including the two swords therein. . Nowadays, organisations representing the Transylvanian Saxons exist in Romania, Germany, Austria, Canada, and the United States (in the latter case most notably 'Alliance of Transylvanian Saxons'). Around 100,000 Germans fled before the Soviet Red Army, but Romania did not conduct the expulsion of Germans as did neighboring countries at war's end. The Transylvanian Saxons (German: Siebenbrger Sachsen; Hungarian: Erdlyi szszok; Romanian: Sai) are a people of German ethnicity who settled in Transylvania (German: Siebenbrgen) from the 12th century onwards. The Transylvanian Saxons (Siebenbrger Sachsen in German) indeed have a long and storied history, and over many centuries they left an indelible mark on the region. A vocabulary list of the Transylvanian Saxon dialect spoken in Zeiden (Codlea) presented by Gert-Werner Liess. This 1955 circa photo shows, in addition to the building exterior, a garden added in 1953 and a memorial to Veterans added in 1955. Throughout Transylvania, many Saxon homes remain empty, dusty and strewn with decaying personal belongings. Currently in Romania, about 60% of ethnic Germans reported being Roman Catholic and 40% Protestant (see Religion in Romania). The Anglo-Saxons were Germanic tribes who first lived in Germany (as Saxons), but later migrated and reached Britain. It has also come in contact with Romanian and Hungarian from which several words were derived. Join more than three million BBC Travel fans by liking us onFacebook, or follow us onTwitterandInstagram. 1947 verschiedene Familiennamen. In the centuries-old settlement, rows of typical old Saxon peasant houses pastel-coloured, lime-washed farmhouses with large, arched gates designed to allow the passing of hay-laden horse carts begin to tell the story of a forgotten people. The Saxons in northeastern Transylvania were also in charge of mining. The Transylvanian Saxons (German: Siebenbrger Sachsen; Transylvanian Saxon: Siweberjer Sksen[6][7] or simply Soxen, singularly Sox or Soax; Transylvanian Landler: Soxn or Soxisch; Romanian: Sai ardeleni, sai transilvneni/transilvani; Hungarian: erdlyi szszok) are a people of mainly German ethnicity (and overall Germanic origin; mostly Luxembourgish) who settled in Transylvania (Romanian: Transilvania, German: Siebenbrgen or Transsilvanien, Latin: Transsilvania, Septem Castra or Septem Castrensis, Medieval Latin: Trnsylvnia) in various waves, starting from the mid and mid-late 12th century until the mid 19th century. [52] Kartoffelknodel is yet another noteworthy traditional Transylvanian Saxon delight.[53]. Although the Hungarian control over Transylvania was defeated by Austrian and Imperial Russian forces in 1849, the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 (German: Ausgleich) between Austria and Hungary in 1867 did not represent a positive transformation for the political rights of the Saxons. history. . To download a copy, please contact Building them was a shared community effort and worthy journey, but it hasnt been easy. Working on the restoration of my own little Saxon house gives me a feeling of inner peace, she said. As Hungarian subjects before World War I, German-speaking Transylvanian elites, predominantly Lutheran clergy and professionals, and known locally as the Literati,1 protected their cultural, political, and economic interests under Transylvania and aristocracy - if these two words bring anything to mind beyond the long-gone centuries of the Principality of Transylvania, then it is perhaps The Transylvanian Trilogy by Mikls Bnffy, three volumes relating the history of the region . Schuster emigrated to West Germany in 1984 after being sold by the Romanian government to the West German state. Numerous Saxons have emigrated to Germany, especially after the fall of the Eastern Bloc in 1989 and are represented by the Association of Transylvanian Saxons in Germany. Transylvanian Saxon first appeared in writing in a 1666 text by Johannes Trster. The Transylvanian Saxons are a people of German ethnicity who settled in Transylvania (German: Siebenbrgen) from the 12th century onwards. Mehr Siebenbrgische Familiennamen Prejmer is the largest fortified church in southeastern Europe and among the most impressive Saxon citadels. u. Those areas pertained to the neighbouring and emerging Romanian medieval principalities of Moldavia (to the east) and Wallachia (to the south). The patronymic surnames were derived largely from the Norman given names and the early Christian saints' names. Such an attack would often stem from the Cumans, for example, or from the Pechenegs. Map depicting the local autonomies in the Kingdom of Hungary during the 13th century (blue grey denotes Transylvanian Saxon autonomous medieval seats/territories). . They lived from about the year 550 until 1066, although a small fraction survived after that. All throughout this period of time, the Saxons in Transylvania served as administrators and military officers. They were subsequently allied with the Transylvanian Romanians and thus sided with the Austrian Empire in the context of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848. It . [47][48] This particular pastry is still served in restaurants and bakeries in southern Transylvania, particularly in Braov and Sibiu counties, where, historically, there had been a more significant Transylvanian Saxon ethnic presence compared to the other counties across Transylvania. Suche - Search Other traditional Transylvanian Saxon dishes include: The Transylvanian Saxon dialect (endonym: Siweberjesch-Sksesch or simply just Sksesch; German: Siebenbrgisch-Schsisch) is a very conservative and rather archaic German dialect that has evolved throughout the passing of time relatively isolated from other German dialects (apart, most notably, from Transylvanian Landler). werden. The anthem is also known as Siebenbrgen, Land des Segens (literally Transylvania, land of blessings).[57]. national costumes or Schsische Trachten). Emperor Joseph II attempted to revoke the Unio Trium Nationum in the late 18th century. In Romanian, it is also known as lichiu ssesc or just lichiu. Lower part: the locator acts as the judge in the village. Romanian Saxon villages might be tiny, but the churches are mighty. . The process of emigration continued during communist rule in Romania. Saxons came to Transylvania during the mid 1100s from . After the end of World War I, on 8 January 1919, the representatives of the Transylvanian Saxons decided to support the unification of Transylvania with the Kingdom of Romania. ehrgeizig wurden, dieser The road to Malancrav follows a snaking path with vistas stretching out across wildflower meadows of shepherds grazing their flocks in hilly pastures. The first superintendent of the Saxons Evangelical Church, Paul Wiener, was elected by Saxon pastors at a synod on 6 February 1553.[28]. The letters ch, and were used until 1938, when ch was replaced by h, became o and became r. They were later reinstated, but were no longer used after 1957. His family claimed descent from the royal house of David. The landscape is dotted by haystacks that look as though they belong to a Brothers Grimm fairy tale. Structured data. It was written and composed in the mid 19th century. place-related (current dwelling location, former [41][42][43] About 15% of the Romanian ethnic Germans who served in the Waffen-SS died in the war, with only a few thousand survivors returning to Romania.[44]. During World War II, many disaffected Saxons sided with. Gergely Szilvay. Even though Transylvania is today a part of Romania, historically it belonged to various medieval rulers. The Mongol invasion of 1241-42 devastated much of the Kingdom of Hungary. Over the next few centuries, they built seven fortress towns, known as the Siebenbrgen, and hundreds of fortified churches. beschreiben oder auch ihre Persnlichkeit und Manierismen). 40% of the population of 1910), and between 1991 and 1992 another 75,000 emigrated. Liste von Ortschaften in . Heading into Saxon Transylvania is to get a glimpse into ancient rural Europe. fixiert worden, und Leute haben manchmal ihren Namen gendert! The colonization continued until the end of the 13th century. After all, the Saxon villages in Transylvania doubled as outposts used to defend trading routes through the countryside. Of the 101 people, 55 had surnames (54.4%). Baby Names - Boys, Girls Names. Source: Alliance of Transylvanian Saxons. Unterabteile des Websites kann man durch die Drop-Down-Liste . Ergnzt durch Logik und andere Forschungsquellen, u.a. We have a duty to do something because otherwise everything will be lost, she added. Transylvanian Saxon; in its longest form Siweberjesch-Sksesch) and remains, still to this day, very closely related to Luxembourgish with which it shares many lexical similarities. Anglo-Saxons often named their child by combining parts of the names of the parents. The letters f and h only appear in loanwords. While most Transylvanian roads are heavily potholed or unpaved, the Transfgran . Lupu. Dunesdorf - Grosslasseln - Halvelagen - Kreisch - Malmkrog - Peschendorf Obwohl die Deutungen nur genaue Ausknfte ber den Derived from the Romanian surname, this last name comes from Latinlupus that means "wolf.". List the most frequent surnames typically associated with these villages. Familien-Namen (Fritz Keintzel-Schn), Editura Academiei Bucuresti ersten Halter des Namens geben, gibt es, Some researchers think that surname meanings are of little value beyond the In comparative linguistics, Transylvanian Saxon is a West Central German dialect that is part of the Moselle Franconian branch. Staats- oder Volksangehrigkeit). Their number shrank to 14,770 according to the data provided by the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Romania in 2003.[45]. THE TRANSYLVANIAN SAXONS IN 1848 The Germans of Transylvania, commonly called the Saxons, settled in the 12th and 13th centuries between Orastie and Brasov in the southeast and in the northeast around Bistrita. Today, Romanias Saxon population is around just 12,000, most of whom are elderly. The literal translation of this Romanian last name is 'black beard.'. The song of Transylvania) is the regional anthem of the Transylvanian Saxon community as well as an unofficial regional hymn of Transylvania, praising the region as a land of blessings and great natural beauty. (Although early Europeans did belong to various tribes . Allegedly, the term Saxon was applied to all Germans of these historical regions because the first German settlers who came to the Kingdom of Hungary were either poor miners or groups of convicts from Saxony.[23]. Glck in A second phase of German settlement during the early 13th century consisted of settlers primarily stemming from the Rhineland region, the southern Low Countries, and the Moselle region, with others from Thuringia, Bavaria, and even from France. The Transylvanian Saxon population has been steadily decreasing since World War II as they started leaving the territory of present-day Romania en masse during and after World War II, relocating initially to Austria, then predominantly to southern Germany (especially in Bavaria). Barbaneagra. Its county seat is Brevard.Transylvania County comprises the B. Transylvanian Diet - The Transylvanian Diet (German: Siebenbrgischer Landtag; Hungarian: Erdlyi Dieta; Romanian . For decades, the . . In the Middle Ages, approximately 300 villages were defended by the Kirchenburgen, or fortified churches with massive walls and watch towers.[29]. Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Barbu. 5 5 In 1714, a personal union was established between Britain and the Electorate of Hanover in the Holy Roman Empire based on the . They were given special royal privileges in the Andrean Diploma in 1224 ( Der Goldene Brief der Sachsen ). Salt Anglo-Saxon, English. May 5, 2018. dr. Thomas Ngler", Unsere Deutsche Wurzeln/Our German Roots - Namensemantik (Deutung) der Siebenbrgisch-Schsische Familliennamen (Surnames), Map and list of Transylvanian Saxon villages, An Outline of Transsilvanian-Saxon History by Klaus Popa, MA, The History of Transylvania and the Transylvania Saxons by Dr. Konrad Gndisch, Transylvanian placenames in different languages, General forum for the Transylvanian Saxons, 'Hover & Hear' pronunciations in the Transylvanian Saxon language, Visual short story about the Transylvanian Saxons (with many archive images),, Articles containing Romanian-language text, Articles containing Hungarian-language text, "Related ethnic groups" needing confirmation, Articles using infobox ethnic group with image parameters, Articles containing explicitly cited English-language text, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Articles with German-language sources (de), Articles containing Spanish-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 09:28. The lowest figure displays data according to the. The Transylvanian Saxons are a people of mainly German ethnicity who settled in Transylvania in various waves, starting from the mid and mid-late 12th century until the mid 19th century. Villages with Fortified Churches in Transylvania. [38] Historically, the town of Suceava has also been known in Old High German as Sedschopff. The region was called Royal Lands or Saxon Lands (German: Knigsboden; Hungarian: Kirlyfld or Szszfld; Romanian: Pmntul criesc; Latin: Terra Saxonum or Fundus Regius). Use the drop-down list to select a specific part of the site. Settlers from the Hermannstadt region spread into the Hrtibaciu River valley (German: Harbachtal) and to the foot of the Cibin (German: Zibin) and Sebe (German: Mhlbacher) mountains. The militia banner of the Saxons from Heldsdorf (Romanian: Hlchiu), Braov County during the 184849 Hungarian Revolution, Distribution of Saxons in Transylvania at the end of the 19th century, Saxon couple (late 19th century illustration), Saxon couple from Sibiu/Hermannstadt area, c. 1900. [55] It is also important to note the fact that even proper names of some Transylvanian Saxon localities sound very similar to Luxembourgish (e.g. However, the Habsburgs still promoted Roman Catholicism to the Saxons during the Counter-Reformation. Read about our approach to external linking. 1935 Einwohnerbuch - Strehlen The Web [49] Another example of a traditional Transylvanian Saxon dish is kipferl (Romanian: cornulee) which can be filled with vanilla, many types of fruit jams, but also with meat. Sie kamen durch mit nur einen Namen Siebenbrgisch-Schsischen . These surnames with matrilineal roots are common in the historical region of Moldova. Under the influence of Johannes Honterus, the great majority of the Transylvanian Saxons embraced the new creed of Martin Luther during the Protestant Reformation. Today, relatively few still live in Romania, where the second last official census (carried out in 2011) indicated 36,042 Germans, out of which only 11,400 were of Transylvanian Saxon descent. Theyd been invited to settle the area by Hungarys King Gza II; their role was to develop an economy and to protect the borderlands of the Hungarian Kingdom from eastern invaders. Abstract Records (1902-1981) of the Alliance of Transylvanian Saxons (Cleveland, Ohio), a fraternal and insurance organization, include convention minutes. " Popa - This surname means "priest" and has roots in both Romanian and Slavic. In Transylvania, there were around 300 fortified Saxon churches in the Middle Ages; now only half of them still stand. [14] As per the latest Romanian census conducted in 2022, their numbers are even fewer, as those of the entire German community in Romania as well. . German merchants arrived in the 12th century to help defend the region against the Tatars and Turks. The colonization of Transylvania by Germans was begun by King Gza II of Hungary (1141-1162). . Erkennungsnamen haben, und diese Erkennungsnamen konnten verndert Ages). A settlement in northeastern Transylvania was centered on the town of Nsen, the later Bistritz (Romanian: Bistria), located on the Bistria River. Transylvanian Saxon community from local particularism to embracing a broader German community. Malancrav is home to Transylvanias largest Saxon population (Credit: Stephen McGrath). 10. At the same time, the Saxons were also charged with developing agriculture and introducing Central European culture. However: surname spelling has only recently become fixed, and people sometimes In Zeiden gebruchliche Redewendungen. Also After the Mongols retreated from Transylvania, in the event of another invasion, many Transylvanian towns were fortified with stone castles and an emphasis was put on developing towns economically. Nachnamen sind heute wichtig Individuellen und Familien ber Zeit zu identifizieren. The churches were positioned on high points overlooking the communities; stone structures punctuated with watchtowers and surrounded by high defensive stone walls. (Bhlau Verlag, Kln), 1976. Erkennungsnamen wurden, As communities got larger and people were more mobile or prestige-conscious, Jewish Communities Beginning in 1627, Jews were granted the right to settle, at first exclusively, in Karlsburg. On a scorching summer day in the Transylvanian village of apu (Abtsdorf an der Kokel in German), Doris-Evelyn Zakel is busy collecting pears from an old tree in the courtyard of her great aunts traditional Saxon home. The latter region, centered around the town of Mhlbach (Romanian: Sebe), was known as Unterwald. [32][33][34][35] Nevertheless, there also some still left in ruin or decay, since the vast majority of the Saxons in their respective villages left them deserted during either before 1989 and after 1989 while emigrating for Western Europe or North America. The Transylvanian Saxons origin and nature will be . The surprising story of the Basque language, sign up for the weekly features newsletter. Das Siebenbrgenlied (i.e. Popescu is also one of the most common surnames in Romania and means"son of the priest". When Romania signed a peace treaty with the Soviets in 1944, the German military began withdrawing the Saxons from Transylvania; this operation was most thorough with the Saxons of the Nsnerland (Bistria area). After Sighisoara walking tour, we will head for the fortified church in the traditional Saxon village of Viscri . "Funken" fr einen Schmied), persnliche Merkmale (Adjektive die den Person krperlich Surnames are now important in identifying individuals and families over time. You may also be interested in:The surprising story of the Basque languageA craft kept alive by 10 Swiss mastersAn ancient rite that could save Earth. Consequently, they had to pay yearly tax to the king and provide military contributions to the royal army in case of danger of attack from abroad. curiosity factor. 18ten Jahrhunderten von anderen Gegenden zu diesem Gebiet, Beside the home-grown surnames, the list of Transylvanian names also includes the surnames Nowadays, the vast majority of Transylvanian Saxons live in either Germany or Austria. The rural settlements were more protected with a series of fortified churches known as 'kirchenburgen' in standard German. Like many Transylvanian Saxons, a minority group who can trace back their ties to the mountainous region to the 12th century, they moved away hoping to escape the hostilities they'd faced since . 8. Although his actions were ultimately rescinded, many Saxons began to see themselves as being a small minority opposed by nationalist Romanians and Hungarians. Familienanzeigen der und gebrauchten einen weiterern Erkennungsnamen nur wenn es ntig war. Display. The Transylvanian-Saxons or simply "Saxons," were ethnic Germans who had been invited to Transylvania in the 12th century by the Hungarian king, Geza II. Jede Person in einer Familie konnte einen anderen beschreibenden original holder of the name, there are, Neben den in der Heimat gewachsenen Nachnamen nimmt die Liste von residence, nationality). Aber: die Rechtschreibung eines Nachnamens ist nur in jngeren Zeiten The new pro-Soviet government of Romania suppressed their historical rights and confiscated properties. The ruins of the Roman Catholic cathedral at Baia as seen in autumn. [37], Saxon colonization in Moldavia had likely occurred through a crossing from the Bistria area eastward and northward whereas Saxon colonization in Wallachia had likely occurred from the Sibiu/Hermannstadt area. Younger Saxons like Marlene Stanciu and Alex Herberth are returning to these communities and preserving their heritage (Credit: Stephen McGrath). Gradually, the type of medieval German once spoken by these settlers, craftsmen, guardsmen, miners, and various other workers became locally known as Sksesch (i.e. It is also very important to mention the fact that Transylvanian Saxon as a regional dialect varied geographically and, consequently, that each village had its own form of it while still retaining mutual intelligibility between themselves as well. Alarmed by the knights' rapidly expanding power, in 1225 King Andrew II expelled the Teutonic Order from Transylvania permanently, which henceforth relocated to Prussia in 1226, although the colonists remained in Burzenland. Old High German or Middle High German). It was very hard at the beginning when our neighbours left, and when my best friend left as well that was very tough.. [46], One prominent example of a local traditional dessert of the Transylvanian Saxons is the hanklich (Romanian: hencle or hencle ssesc), a sweet cheese pie with powdered sugar on top (variations include plums as main ingredients, raisins, or other dry fruits). The Saxons remaining in Romania are represented by the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania (FDGR/DFDR), the political platform that gave Romania its fifth president, Klaus Iohannis, who was firstly elected in 2014 and then re-elected by a landslide in 2019. Their region was called the Szszfld (Hungarian: Saxon Lands) or Kirlyfld (Royal Lands). For this study, 59 male samples were collected from the Siebenburgen area, subjects being selected by their Saxon surnames and . whlen. The Cleveland group brought together representatives of other Saxon groups in Erie, PA, on 5 July 1902 to form the . Many Saxon villages in Transylvania now have just a few remaining Saxons. Although the Saxons did their best to resist, many settlements were destroyed. und ihre Orte, Als Leute in kleinen Gruppen wohnten, haben sie bleibende Nachnamen, so However, throughout the passing of time, demographically, their numbers gradually dwindled and had been subsequently assimilated in the local medieval Wallachian and Moldavian cultures by the overwhelming Romanian ethnic majority. Occupational, the second largest group of surnames, and nicknames are of mixed linguistic heritage, mainly Anglo-Saxon and Norman French, but with some Scandinavian influence as well. John the Saxon), Johannes Benkner (a former mayor of Braov/Kronstadt), or Astrid Fodor (current mayor of Sibu/Hermannstadt). Due to this emigration from Romania the population of Saxons is dwindling. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. In 2011, Peters changed his surname to Espenhorst. Common surnames in Romania by Johannes Trster copy, please contact hello Saxon Transylvania is today a part of the Kingdom of Hungary ( 1141-1162 ). [ 57 ] the task. These surnames with matrilineal roots are common in the context of the parents of! Medieval seats/territories ). [ 53 ] die Rechtschreibung eines Nachnamens ist nur in jngeren Zeiten the pro-Soviet... Churches known as lichiu ssesc or just lichiu something because otherwise everything will be lost she... Mcgrath ). [ 57 ] on high points overlooking the communities ; stone structures with... 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In Romania and means & quot ; priest & quot ; Popa - surname. Hungary ( 1141-1162 ). [ 57 ] centuries, they built seven fortress towns, as. Group brought together representatives of other Saxon groups in Erie, PA, on 5 July 1902 to form.... Die Rechtschreibung eines Nachnamens ist nur in jngeren Zeiten the new pro-Soviet government of,. A part of Romania suppressed their historical rights and confiscated properties would stem! Matrilineal roots are common in the Andrean Diploma in 1224 ( der Goldene der!

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