spo transportation officer duty description

A Transportation Officer is an expert in all transport affairs. Assessing the probability and effect of NBC-related casualties. Briefings may be attended by organizational commanders and/or high ranking officials of units involved in training. Corps and divisions are authorized a dental surgeon. After reevaluating the factors I found that there were no major discrepancies, just a suggestion to add that the employee must be able to analyze into the major duties.6. Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officer. Monitoring the maintenance, personnel, and equipment status, and advising the commander and responsible coordinating staff officer. Directives and policy guidance from higher headquarters. Coordinating the use of medical laboratory services by veterinary personnel. (1) Security Police Officer I (SPO-I). Support to Security Programs. What are their roles and responsibilities? The PM is responsible for planning, coordinating, and employing all organic, assigned, or attached military police assets. Providing US and non-US pay functions involving military, DOD civilian, foreign national, HN, civilian internee, EPW, and travel and miscellaneous pay. The historian, normally an Army civilian, is authorized at corps and divisions. Following higher headquarters NETOPS policies and procedures for network interfaces. A G-2 (S-2) is authorized at every echelon from battalion through corps. The G-6 (S-6) has the following staff planning and supervisory responsibilities: Assistant Chief of Staff, G-7, Information Operations. Ed is the State's central procurement authority and is responsible for the authorization, oversight and management of the contracting and purchasing activities of . That SPO is responsible for handing all the logistics issues within the battalion (maneuver). Coordinating with the S-4 to track available CSS capabilities and assets. Maintaining the unit readiness status of each unit in the command. Providing risk assessment input to the G-3 (S-3). The G-5 (S-5) performs staff planning for and exercises staff supervision over-, Assistant Chief of Staff, G-6 (S-6), Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Operations. Community and family support activities and programs. Analyzing CCIR, PIRs, friendly forces information requirements (FFIR), and IRs to develop generic collection tasks and requests for support from higher and adjacent commands (for example, a national agency or the theater joint intelligence center). Please leave a comment below to share your experience and any tips for success you might have. Staffs use this RI to maintain running estimates and produce progress reports for their commanders. I am a BSB SPO for an MEB and have been for a little more than a year. Coordinating interaction with the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES), and nonmilitary agencies servicing the command, such as the American Red Cross. Most staff actions require coordination that extends beyond the immediate command to higher, subordinate, supporting, supported, and adjacent commands. However, during activities such as conferences and special events, employee is required to walk long distances, climb stairs, use portable radios, and carry equipment weighing up to 50 pounds. Integrating nonlethal fires, including offensive IO, into the concept of fires and concept of operations (from input by the G-7 [S-7] at targeting meetings). Coordinating positioning of fire support assets. Classification standard series 0346b. Exceptions to 22-4504. US Army. Collect, process, disseminate, display, and store RI from their individual fields of interest for others' use. D-125. Determining requirements for forces and equipment based on the commander's priorities (with other staff elements and subordinate commands). Managing the digital terrain data storage device (coordinates with the G-2 [S-2] for planning and distribution). Recommending active and passive air defense measures. Staff members perform the following general IM activities for information related to their fields of interest: D-13. Performing the following language-related functions: Identifying linguist requirements pertaining to intelligence support. At battalion and company level, the FSO serves as the FSCOORD for the maneuver commander. Integrating ISR into the concept of operations. Providing advice and technical assistance in constructing, rehabilitating, and using dental facilities. The CSM is responsible for providing the commander with personal, professional, and technical advice on enlisted soldier matters and the NCO corps as a whole. Thank you. This RI helps commanders achieve situational understanding. Organizing and conducting internal schools, and obtaining and allocating quotas for external schools. G-6 (S-6) responsibilities related to IM include-. Coordinating weather support procedures (both for garrison and during deployments) before deployment with the supported Army command. The ALO is responsible for coordinating aerospace assets and operations, such as close air support (CAS), air interdiction, air reconnaissance, airlift, and joint suppression of enemy air defenses. Preventive medicine services, including the medical threat, pre- and post-health assessments, medical surveillance activities, pest management, environmental and occupational health hazards, food service sanitation, monitoring drinking water supplies, and field hygiene and sanitation activities. In the paragraphs below, I will provide some basic information about the Support Operations Officer duties, responsibilities and job description. I appreciate you taking the time to do the write up. Participating in intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB), as managed by the G-2 (S-2). The ISR plan produces an initial ISR order to answer initial CCIR, PIRs, and IRs. Headquarters commandant responsibilities include-. Estimating consumption rates of NBC defense equipment and supplies. The G-5 (S-5) is responsible for enhancing the relationship between Army forces and the civil authorities and people in the AO. Ensuring that redundant communications means are planned and available to pass time-sensitive information. Submitting recommendations to higher headquarters on professional medical problems that require research. D-49. Recommending offensive counterair, defensive counterair, and theater missile defense targets and priorities, based on the enemy air and missile capability assessment. Effective procedures provide continuity for completed staff actions and allow staff members and staff sections to accomplish tasks efficiently and effectively. View job listing details and apply now. Do what you can to keep maintenance operations seamless. Recommending fire support coordinating measures to support current and future operations; managing changes to them. Deploying civilian labor (with the civilian personnel officer). Coordinating, planning, and directing information network capabilities and services from the power projection sustaining base to the forward-most fighting platforms. Coordinating with the G-7 to integrate EW into IO. Common Staff Activities, Responsibilities. Their duties include: Supervises the conduct of all elections held under the Local Authorities Elections Act; Assists the Returning Officers as they conduct local elections; Assists Returning Officers to understand . Satisfying requirements through intelligence reach. D-89. Managing the intelligence process to produce and disseminate intelligence to meet the commander's and other users' requirements in a timely manner, and to support distributed intelligence production and intelligence reach based on the unit area of intelligence responsibility. VARIES Staff section leaders supervise their personnel. Monitoring the deployability of soldiers. Analyzing operational effects on the environment and assessing its status. The Support Operations Officer is normally an experienced Major. Classification Review: This position has been classified/graded as required by Title 5, U.S. Code in conformance with standard published by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management or if no published standards apply directly, consistently with the most applicable published standards. Policy files of the commander and higher headquarters. Once they identify a problem, staff members analyze the actions or coordination needed to solve it. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. If you still have the checklist, I would like to see it. Exercising staff supervision over and providing technical assistance to dental activities. Working closely with the G-5 and other agencies to integrate and unify efforts to communicate the Army's perspective and to support the mission's tactical and operational objectives. Transportation officers are our Armys deployment and distribution experts, effectively supporting expeditionary forces. Support to security programs includes-. D-15. Additionally, the Army can repay nearly $65,000 of current outstanding student loan debt through the Loan Repayment Program (LRP) if you qualify. Providing a terrain visualization mission folder to determine the effects of terrain on friendly and enemy operations. Developing and maintaining effective financial and management controls, procedures, and systems for the best use of resources. Staffs assess by analyzing reports, messages, and reports of staff visits and inspections. Coordinating and directing terrain management. Staff supervision involves overseeing operations within individual fields of interest and supervising staff sections and their personnel. The team's officer in charge fulfills the SOO's responsibilities. Only after analyzing a problem and listing the main factors to consider can staff members determine how much and what kind of information to collect. An SOP or TACSOP is no good if it just sits on the shelf and collects dust. Any and all "shortfalls" identified must be addressed with the 1916th Support Battalion SPO and customer unit. 882As coordinate deployment and distribution actions with multinational, Joint, Army, and commercial agencies through the Joint Logistics Enterprise. Providing counsel to the family advocacy case review committee. Participating in the nuclear target nomination process (corps only). The COS helps the commander prepare subordinate units for future employment. Advising the commander on environmental issues, coordinating with other staff members to determine the impact of operations on the environment, and helping the commander integrate environmental considerations into decisionmaking. Advising how operations affect the public health of personnel and the indigenous populations. You won't need to meet any physical fitness requirements before joining the Army as an enlisted Soldier. To establish uniform policies and procedures for the daily, weekly and monthly maintenance reports required from every unit in the 519 th CSSB. Staff sections exercise oversight by performing the following tasks that affect their individual fields of interest: Supervising Staff Sections and Staff Personnel, D-30. They are trained, innovative, and adaptive transportation and logistics leaders who are grounded in the Army Values and can operate throughout the JIIM environment. Providing guidance for actions related to expediting the handling procedures for captured personnel, equipment, and documents. Coordinating with the G-5 (S-5) on using Army forces to establish civil government. A G-4 (S-4) is authorized at every echelon from battalion through corps. Staff members follow a systematic approach, weighing each new item of information in relation to other available information. They may also earn additional compensation in the form of overtime. G-7 (S-7) responsibilities related to targeting include-. Incumbent is delegated authority to make decisions of a binding nature, based on a broad knowledge of regulating and statutory requirements. Stationing subordinate finance units, equipped with their supporting systems, to support battlefield procurement and pay operations. Under special conditions or missions, the commander may give the COS temporary command of a portion of the force. Operations involving EPWs and civilian internees (with the PM). Employee also develops new policies and procedures as needed.d. Drug Test Required: EOD officer responsibilities include-, (AR 75-15 discusses the responsibilities and duties of the EOD officer. Recommending and coordinating assignments and personnel issues. Figure 2 shows the flow of infor-mation between and the roles and You'll supervise and manage the reception, storage, and shipping of bulk or packaged petroleum-based products. Essential personnel services include-, D-46. Participating in COA and decision support template development (with the G-2 [S-2] and fire support coordinator [FSCOORD]). Organization of American States' Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism. Ensuring MTOE and MTDA documents reflect the minimum essential and most economical equipment needed for the assigned mission. D-35. The FSCOORD is responsible for advising the commander on the best use of available fire support resources, developing the fire support plan, issuing necessary orders in the name of the commander, and implementing the approved fire support plan. Synchronizing command PSYOP with higher headquarters PSYOP. Determining liaison requirements, establishing liaison information exchange requirements, and receiving liaison teams. Supply management is a broad field that encompasses many different industries, job titles and job descriptions. Secretary of the General Staff. A PSYOP officer is authorized at corps and divisions. This works pretty slick and provides written record of your staff work. Identifying enemy intelligence collection capabilities, such as efforts targeted against the unit. D-126. Formulating the combat health support plan. Finance Officer. Other intelligence support includes-, D-54. Coordinating support locations and time schedules with the S-2, S-3, and supported units. Adjusting the production and dissemination portion of the intelligence synchronization plan. Processing and distributing NBC attack and contamination data. D-3. The G-7 (S-7) has the following staff planning and supervisory responsibilities: D-85. Preparing and maintaining C4OPS estimates, plans, and orders. Incumbent uses judgment to locate and select from numerous available guides, which may or may not be directly applicable to the situations at hand. Coordination may include arranging for administrative and logistic support for subordinate EOD units. - Must be able to legally work in the US. Coordinating, preparing, and maintaining the EW target list, electronic attack (EA) taskings, EA requests, and the EW portion of the sensor/attack matrix. Monitoring movements on routes two echelons down. They handle all the logistical requests and plan and coordinate support missions done by the FSC for the maneuver battalion. Supporting linguist requirements, to include consolidating linguist requirements and establishing priorities for using linguists. PM responsibilities include-, D-115. Tracking requirements and disseminating intelligence to satisfy CCIR, then PIRs, FFIR, IRs, and other requirements. Monitors tactical operations, publishes orders, and . Administering civilian personnel management laws and regulations. Coordinating, planning, and directing all C4OPS support interfaces with joint and multinational forces, including HN support interfaces. However, the Support Operations Officer manages the external logistics and makes sure the Support Battalion supports the Brigade with the required medical, supply, and maintenance support. An aide-de-camp is authorized for general officers in designated positions. The G-1/AG (S-1) also serves as the senior adjutant general officer in the command. G-5 (S-5) responsibilities include-, D-73. Providing advice and recommendations to the commander and staff in matters pertaining to enlisted soldiers. Corps, divisions, major support commands, and other organizations commanded by a general officer are authorized a COS. Other units (regiments, brigades, and battalions) are authorized an XO, who performs the duties of a COS. As supervisor of the staff, the COS (XO) is responsible for-, D-37. Preparing plans and policies to govern the assignment of replacement personnel. The following is a general description of the division of duties among the Security Police Officer levels. Developing policies, procedures, and techniques to ensure the most cost-advantageous and effective methods of purchasing commercial products and services, within fiscal and regulatory constraints. I am the chair, but the BDE 4 is the decision maker. Commanders at every echelon from battalion through corps appoint a safety officer. The G-3 (S-3) has coordinating staff responsibility for the following staff officers: Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4 (S-4), Logistics. Coordinating religious support with unit ministry teams of higher and adjacent headquarters, other Services, and multinational forces. Staff members determine the amount and type of training needed, and any evaluation requirements. Monitoring operations and maintaining current COP-related information. Planning and monitoring support operations and making adjustments to meet support requirements. Managing veterinary equipment and facilities. Establishing procedures for collecting, processing, displaying, storing, and disseminating data and information within the headquarters, staff sections, and major subordinate commands throughout the operations process (per the CIMP). Informing the COS of the special staff officer's actions. Keeps the Battalion senior leadership informed and prepared so that they may make their decisions based on the best and most timely information available. If not, once they analyze the problem, they make a recommendation to the commander for decision. Job Overview. Coordinating with the IG and PM on unsafe trends identified during inspections. Assessing adversary vulnerabilities, friendly capabilities, and friendly missions in EW terms. Examples include-. The G-6 (S-6) advises the commander, staff, and subordinate commanders on C4OPS matters. Issue materiel handling equipment, nets, slings, ropes, cables, wire, rope and other cargo operations gear. Limited assistant manager functions or acting in the absence of the manager does not meet the above criteria. Job Description Army.mil. A G-1/AG (S-1) is authorized at every echelon from battalion through corps. Recommending to the G-7 the deception target, deception objective, and deception story. Evaluating physical security vulnerabilities (to support the G-3 [S-3] and G-7 [S-7]). Coordinating field artillery survey and meteorological support. Determining requirements and recommending assets to support AMD. Advising the commander and staff concerning, and supervising the management and administration of, the civilian employee personnel management program within the command. Monitoring unit strength status and developing plans to maintain it. Monitoring the staff's discipline, morale, and operational readiness. D-84. Exercising staff supervision of military intelligence support to the command intelligence training program. Although I am still in the learning phase, I would like to add some comments here to help any future SPOs. PERFORMING STAFF ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, D-27. Coordinating veterinary activities with the surgeon and other staff. Capabilities, limitations, requirements, availability, and employment of resources. Advising the commander and staff on the following: Current economic situation, including the economic impact of expenditures on the local economy. Personnel services include casualty operations management and essential personnel services. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS & BASIC DUTIES . D-92. An AMDCOORD is authorized at corps and divisions. Allocating organic and supporting resources to support PSYOP efforts. Determining EEFI and OPSEC vulnerabilities and recommending EEFI to the commander. Presentations may take the form of briefings, written estimates, or staff studies. Coordinating with the G-1/AG (S-1) for civilian personnel involvement in tactical operations. Coordinating with the 1st IOC(L) for IO vulnerability assessments and red-teaming. The RI officer operates in close coordination with each section. Coordinating unit commercial and military satellite communications requirements with the SOO. Special staff officers are listed under the staff officer exercising coordinating staff responsibility over them. While in the Transportation Corps, you will have the opportunity to command . Specific responsibilities of the G-1/AG (S-1) include manning, personnel services, personnel support, and headquarters management. Planning and initiating procedures to verify and report enemy first use of NBC agents (with the surgeon). But dont do it the other way around. Advising the commander on fire protection and prevention issues, planning, and coordination (with the G-3 [S-3] and G-4 [S-4]). Advising the commander on using all engineer assets. AVCOORD responsibilities include-, D-106. Here are the steps to become a transportation officer for private organizations or non-military government services: 1. A legal support element-including at least a judge advocate-deploys in direct support of each brigade-level task force. Providing legal advice and assistance concerning contracts, health care, environmental matters, and compensation matters. This task includes-. Identify and update information requirements (IRs). The inspector general, public affairs officer, and staff judge advocate are personal staff officers to the commander. Staff members are not merely data collectors and transmitters. Weekly I also sit down with A Co. and B Co. (separately) to be briefed on status. G-3 (S-3) training responsibilities include-, D-59. Serving as the command representative for all communications with external media. Coordinating with the ENCOORD, G-2 (S-2), G-5 (S-5), and surgeon to establish environmental vulnerability protection levels. The Army offers a complete package of benefits that not only supports you and your family, but also helps you advance in your career. Review reports and send to the Brigade SPO as required.Prepares and presents formal/informal briefings and/or information papers on the status of installation customer support. Advising on command health services and health matters concerning occupied or friendly territory within the AO. Ammunition basic loads and the controlled supply rate (CSR). Staff members make similar contributions to command standing operating procedures (SOPs), training plans, reports, studies, and summaries. Coordinating specific requirements for and conducting liaison with the theater special operations command, Army special operations task force, and the joint special operations task force. The PM is usually the senior military police officer in the command. Within the Sustainment Brigade (formally DISCOM) there is also a Support Operations Officer. VA loans are guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Resolving legal problems regarding administrative boards, investigations, or other military tribunals. d. Computer Employee, (See 5 CFR, 551.210 ) ( must meet salary test and perform such duties as system analysis, program/system design, or program/system testing, documentation, and modification). Providing input to supported units on the logistic estimate and service support annex to orders and plans. Predicting fallout from friendly use of nuclear weapons and disseminating nuclear strike warning messages when required. CLICK NEXT (TO GO TO DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITES)-----(Duties and Responsibilities Screen) PRINCIPAL DUTY TITLE - Company Commander . The incumbent will be responsible for security and control of the assigned areas and the enforcement of the Authority's regulations. G-7 (S-7) responsibilities related to current operations include-, D-82. Each section knew their job, but no one understood how the section actually worked. Specifications are not intended to reflect all duties performed by Transportation Officers. It then discusses specific responsibilities of chiefs of staff and of coordinating, special, and personal staff officers. This is copied to my SPO NCO and attached to our original calculation sheet. D-80. In the absence of a senior military officer (SPO), serves as the 1916th Support Battalion, Support Operations Officer.MAJOR DUTIESServes as the 1916th Support Battalion, Deputy SPO with responsibilities and functions within a military Combat Support Sustainment Battalion (CSSB). The action officer resolves any conflicts and presents a recommendation to the approving authority for decision. Local headquarters security, including constructing defensive positions. Providing fund ceilings to subordinate units. Office of the Chief of Transportation (OCOT), Office of the Chief of Reserve Affairs (OCRA), Tranportation Management Training Department (TMTD), Army Driver Standardization Office (ADSO), Maritime and Intermodal Training Department (MITD). Developing annual non-OPTEMPO requirements. Providing moral and spiritual leadership to the command/community. Monitors the brigades operational readiness with equipment (026 Report). Then she sends it to the Ammo section who calculates pallets and weight required to fill 1/2 ABL (usually), then the completed sheet goes to the transportation officer who determines if there are enough platforms to meet the requirement. Facilitating the dynamic retasking of space-based assets to support current and future operations. If your waiver is denied, you can also look into pursuing a civilian career within the Army. Not only will you learn about supply, but you will also become familiar with transportation and maintenance, two other key elements in the logistics arena. By law or regulation, personal staff officers have a unique relationship with the commander. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The shabu was public property for which petitioner was accountable. The ACOS, G-1/AG (S-1) exercises coordinating staff responsibility over special staff officers as listed in figure D-1 on page D-26. Staff members present recommendations orally or in writing. The Government SAP Security Officer, or GSSO, and the Contractor Program Security Officer, or CPSO, provide hands-on security administration and management at the facility level, whether The veterinary officer is responsible for coordinating assets and activities concerning veterinary service within the command. Regarding administrative boards, investigations, or attached military Police assets become a Transportation officer private. The local economy support coordinating measures to support the G-3 ( S-3 ) counterair, counterair. Unit in the command representative for all communications with external media and military satellite requirements! A legal support element-including at least a judge advocate-deploys in direct support each. The senior military Police officer I ( SPO-I ) on a broad knowledge of regulating and statutory requirements SOO... It just sits on the shelf and collects dust identify a problem, staff members analyze the,! High ranking officials of units involved in training or regulation, personal staff as... Targeting include- and PM on unsafe trends identified during inspections labor ( the. Information network capabilities and services from the power projection sustaining base to the Brigade SPO as required.Prepares presents... 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spo transportation officer duty description