patton we defeated the wrong enemy

. His answer was: , Similarly, he expressed his doubts to his military colleagues about the overwhelming emphasis being placed on the persecution of every German who had formerly been a member of the National Socialist party. Patton soon familiarized himself with his job at hand and with the people he was working with. While making his way through the schoolhouse CP, George tripped over the inert form of a dozing GI. This comparison gradually forced him to the conclusion that World War II had been fought against the wrong people. Fail to honor people, They fail to honor you; But of a good leader, who talks little, When his work is done, his aims fulfilled, They will all say, We did this ourselves. In a small black notebook Patton recorded his thoughts, and throughout his colorful military career constantly drew historical parallels to the situation he faced. He was proven true by the Cold War that American fought from 1945 through 1989. Precisely at 7 Patton boomed in to breakfast. SS means no more in Germany than being a Democrat in America that is not to be quoted. At a press conference in Regensburg, Germany, on May 8, 1945, immediately after Germanys surrender, Patton was asked whether he planned to treat captured SS troops differently from other German POWs. He then started to see things in a different light. No heroes, no cowards, no troops, no generals? Did the residents of Aneyoshi survive the 2011 tsunami thanks to the warnings of a stone marker? I've seen this quote in various far-right memes. In a letter to his wife of September 14, 1945, he said: , Despite his disagreement with official policy, Patton followed the rules laid down by Morgenthau and others back in Washington as closely as his conscience would allow, but he tried to moderate the effect, and this brought him into increasing conflict with Eisenhower and the other politically ambitious generals. He was disgusted by their behavior in the camps for Displaced Persons (DPs) which the Americans built for them and even more disgusted by the way they behaved when they were housed in German hospitals and private homes. I still could not accustom myself, however, to the vulgarity with which Patton skinned offenders for relatively minor infractions in discipline. followers 210. The opinionated anticommunist died twelve days later. On May 18 he noted in his diary: , Two days later he repeated his concern when he wrote his wife: , Having immediately recognized the Soviet danger and urged a course of action which would have freed all of eastern Europe from the communist yoke with the expenditure of far less American blood that was spilled in Korea and Vietnam and would have obviated both those later wars not to mention World War III Patton next came to appreciate the true nature of the people for whom World War II was fought: the Jews. He was a magnificent soldier, one whom the American people can admire not only as a great commander but as a unique and remarkable man. Better he exited the stage when he did. I frequently had dinner with Patton and his staff. Displaced Persons: The Liberation and Abuse of Holocaust Survivors. It lives, sleeps, eats, and fights as a team. Another September diary entry, following a demand from Washington that more German housing is turned over to Jews, summed up his feelings: Evidently the virus started by Morgenthau and Baruch of a Semitic revenge against all Germans is still working. In fact, I am afraid we have waited too long., And in a letter of the same date to his wife: I will probably be in the headlines before you get this, as the press is trying to quote me as being more interested in restoring order in Germany than in catching Nazis. We came home that night quite late and the next morning he came upstairs and woke me up and said we were going for breakfast. What made Patton a great leader? Published on Dec 12, 2021. You win a war by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his. When a corps commander whom he had disliked as a result of some earlier altercation bivouacked his command in the Third Army sector, George stomped over to the CP for a preliminary inspection. He required that ALL of the men under his command wear them so he did too. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. If you are paying attention you can see the enemys handy work in various shapes and forms in America today. Later in May 1945, he attended several meetings and social affairs with top Red Army officers, and he evaluated them carefully. In between, Patton spent his life preparing to fight, and was ready when America needed him, almost the perfect combat general to wage all-out warfare- his mask of command sufficiently awe-inspiring and magnetic enough to induce hundreds of thousands to self-organize around him and become his terrible swift sword. Only those who are left alive and those who are left dead. They have utterly lost the Anglo-Saxon conception of justice and feel that a man can be kicked out because somebody else says he is a Nazi. You are ready for what's to come. In the event, Antwerp was not opened and operating until the end of 1944, which meant that through the fall the Allied Expeditionary Force (AEF) fought with inadequate supplies. With that, George excused himself and retired alone to his room to pray. Dark theme turns the light surfaces of the page dark, creating an experience ideal for night. Drop file here. The results are staggering. 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Invasive Species red Russian Khazarian Terrorist Invaders Rampage as The Holocaust of Semitic Indigenous Palestinians Continue-Mean While Palestinian Childrens Art Work of Them Being Traumatized By Invading Khazarian Terrorist Displayed in In UK Hospitals Removed Because the Truth Traumatizes Jews, Jill Biden Said Hands All Over Little Girls Joe Is not done, Vermont Girls Basketball Team Forfeits State Tournament Game Due To Trans Player On Opposing Team. The British planned to start World War III by invading Russia with the German army. Dark theme turns the light surfaces of the page dark, creating an experience ideal for night. George Patton and the Cold War's gridlock were antithetical, and should he have somehow drifted into politics, a logical enough alliance with Joseph McCarthy is not something America needed. The smell was so terrible that I almost fainted and actually about three hours later lost my lunch as the result of remembering it., These experiences and a great many others firmly convinced Patton that the Jews were an especially unsavory variety of creature and hardly deserving of all the official concern the American government was bestowing on them. At times I felt like Patton, however successful he was as a corps commander, had not learned to command himself. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . In the letter, Patton bitterly condemned the Morgenthau policy; Eisenhowers pusillanimous behavior in the face of Jewish demands; the strong pro-Soviet bias in the press; and the politicization, corruption, degradation, and demoralization of the U.S. Army which these things were causing. Here are some of his quotes about the Soviets: "We promised the Europeans freedom. Throughout the war, the Soviet Union had an unsteady alliance with the United States and Britain, and this quote reflects General Pattons mistrust of the Russians rather than his admiration of the Nazis. We are advancing constantly and we are not interested in holding onto anything, except the enemy's balls. (Later, Hale was stopped by an irate General Patton who chewed him out for not wearing his necktie. He succeeded Dwight D. Eisenhower as the Military Governor of the U.S. Occupation Zone in Germany, when Ike a five-star general was promoted to Army Chief of Staff. Americans despise cowards. He was arguably the best practitioner of blitzkrieg produced by either side in the war. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man, when ordered to hand over German prisoners to the French for forced labor, per, One cannot but ponder the question: What if the Arabs had been Christians? I don't want to get any messages saying, "I am holding my position." Americans play to win all of the time. Re: General George Patton: "We defeated the wrong enemy". I am also opposed to sending POWs to work as slaves in foreign lands (i.e., the Soviet Unions Gulags), where many will be starved to death., Despite his disagreement with official policy, Patton followed the rules laid down by Morgenthau and others back in Washington as closely as his conscience would allow, but he tried to moderate the effect, and this brought him into increasing conflict with Eisenhower and the other politically ambitious generals. Privacy Policy. I ate breakfast with him and then I got on a train and went back to West Point. Did Hillary Clinton support legalising such late-term abortions of fetuses as claimed by Ben Shapiro? Tags. Churchill was a dedicated anti-Communist. 00:01 If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc? Yes win it all. rev2023.3.1.43266. However, it is my personal opinion that this too is a lost tribe lost to all decency., Pattons initial impressions of the Jews were not improved when he attended a Jewish religious service at Eisenhowers insistence. If it sounds like hate speech to you just remember the truth is hate speech to those who hate the truth. Misattributed by former Defense Secretary James Schlesinger on Fox News. He died shortly after expressing his concerns in mysterious conditions. . HTownWaffen Published on Jan 24, 2022. Did Patton every even go to Berlin - he definitely was not in control of it - He was military governer of Bohemia, In the 1970 movie "Patton" he says "Up until now we've been fighting the wrong people", Did Gen. Patton say "We defeated the wrong enemy?". Successful leaders must be highly visible, if for no other reason than to share the hardships of their men. He had studied the campaigns of von Schlieffen and Frederick the Great and was more interested in them than in Napoleon's campaigns, which were more familiar to most American staff officers. Use the information wisely so that the information will be properly used. It behooved General Eisenhower to make a speech to them. The scheme worked. At the 9th Division headquarters at El Guettar, Tunisia, enemy planes bombed and strafed incessantly, so that the security normally associated with a headquarters in the rear was missing. that when I finish this job, which will be around the first of the year, I shall resign, not retire, because if I retire I will still have a gag in my mouth . In Tunisia the Americans had to pay a stiff price for their experience, but it brought rich dividends. George Patton was the man of the hour and the darling of most of the press. My dad got out of the aircraft and he really looked super; he was fifty-nine years old at the time. His frequent exhortation to his soldiers was, "To be a successful soldier you must know history," while Eisenhower regarded the study and practice of history as not only an essential means of learning about war but as the study of the triumph of good over evil. I am saying that whether you call them Communists or The Media or Zionists, it . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright John C. Carleton 2023. After the end of the Second World War, general George S. Patton said that America defeated the wrong enemy. I don't think he should have been characterized as the insane show-off that 20th Century-Fox wanted to make him- which I resisted down the line. Then, in a press conference on September 22, reporters hatched a scheme to needle Patton into losing his temper and making statements which could be used against him. I told him in my best French that he was a baby and said I had left him in the most dangerous place on the front. "Hell, Brad," he said, "what you need is a social gun. The maximum upload file size: 256 MB. Click to cancel. According to Colonel Harkins, the Third Army had "gone farther, captured more prisoners, liberated more friendly territory, and captured more enemy territory, than any army ever before in American history." Their (the Soviet) supply system is inadequate to maintain them in a serious action such as I could put to them. Supposedly, Gen. George S. Patton, upon taking control of Berlin in 1945, said "We defeated the wrong enemy." These contradictions in Patton's character continued to bewilder his staff. He noted in his diary on May 14: I have never seen in any army at any time, including the German Imperial Army of 1912, as severe discipline as exists in the Russian army. It would be worse than dishonorable not to see they have it. My personal opinion is that no people could have sunk to the level of degradation these have reached in the short space of four years. Hale triumphantly produced his slip of paper, leaving Patton for once speechless.). I mean by that that initially, the SS people were special sons of bitches, but as the war progressed they ran out of sons of bitches and then they put anybody in there. In a letter to his wife on September 29, Patton indicated that he was, in a way, not unhappy with his new assignment, because he (), On October 22 he wrote a long letter to Maj. Gen. James G. Harbord, who was back in the States. I prefer the Germans. Patton said to Patterson: Lets keep our boots polished, bayonets sharpened, and present a picture of force and strength to the Red Army. Even if you are hit, you can still fight back. I get it. Second, he insisted that every soldier under his command always wear a necktie with shirt collar buttoned, even in combat action. "We defeated the wrong enemy" - General George S. Patton Frightening contrast between the world we live in and the one we could have had. a very apparent Semitic influence in the press. According to the 1987 book Cannon fodder: growing up for Vietnam the exact quote is: We may have been fighting the wrong enemy (Germany) all along. Magazine and Quartermaster Review XXXIII, about Patton by Red Cross worker Betty South, who had direct access to the general at the relavent time, says: When he went to Berlin to receive the kiss of death from the Russians he remarked shortly, "I think we've been fighting the wrong people all this time, but I've oiled my belly so I can stay with them on the Vodka. However. Patton was a reputable and brave man and, his historic deeds and words will always hold more weight than some social justice keyboard warrior calling anti-semite Nazi or racist. Is variance swap long volatility of volatility? Several weeks before General Patton died in a command car accident in 1945, he visited my headquarters at Ingolstadt. How is "He who Remains" different from "Kang the Conqueror"? Americans will not tolerate a loser. . Compare Churchill; "we've slaughtered the wrong pig". He thought that it helped instill discipline and professionalism. Your Subscription; HTownWaffen - Active until; Change Subscription; It is the spirit of the men who follow and of the man who leads that gains that victory. . If so, what do you think of his opinion? Most of the following was gathered from a book called the Patton Papers, published in 1947, which contained the diary entries, letters, and other writings and this, in turn, was reproduced from a Rense article sourced here: () Furthermore, it is against my Anglo-Saxon conscience to remove a person from a house, which is a punishment, without due process of law. I first met George S. Patton, Jr., before World War II when he was a lieutenant colonel at Fort Sill, and in North Africa, when he was a general, I saw him often. During WWII, he helped lead the Allies to victory in the invasion of Sicily, and was instrumental to the liberation of Germany from the Nazis. General Patton had two fetishes that to my mind did little for his image with the troops. News reports revealed that he had slapped two soldiers who were suffering combat fatigue, believing that they were faking their condition. I've heard that he wanted America to ally National Socialist Germany in order to destroy the U.S.S.R. Is this true? Skeptics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for scientific skepticism. But like some other great actors, his signature role left him typecast and the future held no parts for him. By 17 July, British and Canadian losses were 37,563. He dared speak his mind and act accordingly to his convictions. Like Eisenhower, Patton was tutored on the Bible and could recite passages from memory by the hour. The Jews were only forced to desist from their nastiness and clean up the mess by the threat of the butt ends of rifles. Patton picked up the GI holster in which I carried my 30-year-old Colt .45. His image with the troops was foremost with General Patton, and that meant always going forward, never backward. the Soviet border), we should go after the bastards now, 'cause we're gonna have to fight 'em eventually. In Casablanca, Morocco, in January 1943, Allied leaders decided to use their massive military resources in the Mediterranean to launch an invasion of Italy, which British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (1874-1965) called the soft underbelly of Europe. The objectives were to remove Italy from World War II, secure . Zhukov pointed to a Russian tank and said it's guns range was 7 miles. (Patton's legend casts a long shadow, leading @HistoryByZhukov. All military governments are going to be targets from now on for every sort of Jewish and Communistic attack from the press. For relatively minor infractions in discipline comparison gradually forced him to the vulgarity with which Patton skinned offenders relatively... 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patton we defeated the wrong enemy