dutch trains wind power snopes

This page was last edited on 14 January 2023, at 23:49. quite an amount of work youve done there, It doesnt add up ! I Did Not Say Wind Energy is 'Idiot Power.'" The company aims to further reduce consumption by 2 percent a year with an energy efficiency program, with total consumption already reduced by 30 percent since 2005. Do the claims about Netherlands trains also require further explanation? Only a small fraction of the power delivered to its trains actually comes from wind.. The best of EcoWatch right in your inbox. These were often manufactured by lesser known wind turbine manufacturers, sometimes producing innovative products such as the Nedwind 2 blade turbine. These. So the standard is that 100% renewable utilities buy or produce same amount of 100% renewable electricity they sell. If you would like to know more, click here. And enjoy 30c/kWh household electric rates, as in Denmark and Germany, without there being one iota of measurable benefit to the planet? Nor should you you probably get shaved 20% faster than me! In fact, he allowed that a windmill situated at a good location could pay back the energy costs of creating it in under three years, but that aspect was omitted from the memed version of his quote: The concept of net energy must be applied to renewable sources of energy, such as windmills and photovoltaics. There are very little poor people in Germany. OK, these days its less than the bandwidth to your mobile, but mumble years ago it was the real deal. I believe in low carbon power, just that I also believe in security of supply, and with wind, or solar or tidal, you cant get it. . It seems that NS may be outsourcing costs as well as power. That would power a large proportion of all of the households in Amsterdam**. The Netherlands national railway company, NS, has announced all of its electric passenger trains (not the freight trains) are now 100% powered by wind energy. Per Physics 101, once electricity is fed into the grid it travels, as electromagnetic waves, at near the speed of light on un-insulated wires, i.e. The concept of net energy must be applied to renewable sources of energy, such as windmills and photovoltaics. In this way, the Dutch railways aim to reduce the greatest negative environmental impact caused by CO2 in such a way that its demand actually contributes to the sustainable power generation in the Netherlands and Europe.. According to Statistics Netherlands, gross electricity generation was approximately 110 billion kilowatthours (BkWh) in 2015. This has already led to a savings of 1.43 billions kilograms of C02 emissions. Electric trains also use regenerative braking, similar to whats found in hybrid and electric cars. The pickup shoes do occasionally lose contact anyway, albeit very briefly, at track junctions. Roger, that map isn`t quite updated. Wind power from Finland can be discounted. It`s a scam. Only about 2% of Finlands generation mix is wind, and by the time it passes through the Finnish, Swedish and German grids on its way to the Netherlands it will effectively have disappeared. Because theyre just one part of a wider grid, most train operators use electricity from a mix of different sources coal-fired generators, nuclear plants, hydropower or, in the case of Nederlandse Spoorwegen, exclusively from wind turbines. Dutch electricity company Eneco won a tender offered by NS two years ago and the two companies signed a 10-year deal setting January 2018 as the date by which all NS trains should run on wind energy. Many of these smaller companies were eventually acquired by the larger wind turbine manufactures such as Vestas, Siemens and Lagerwey. Wheres the renewable engy only socket? The point about this is that it is just PR. Started operation in 2001 and is developing a 6,000kW two blade downwind turbine. However, the government wants 40% of the total electricity used in 2030 in the Netherlands to be supplied by wind. Homer-Dixon, Thomas. NS operates about 5,500 train trips a day. Only a small fraction of the power delivered to its trains actually comes from wind. "Carbon Shift: How Peak Oil and the Climate Crisis Will Change Canada (and Our Lives) Paperback." Companies that want to claim that they run on green energy then just have to buy enough GoOs to cover their energy demand. The two Dutch wind farms that have contracted to sell power to NS (Noordoostpolder and Luchterduinen) are both connected directly to the Dutch grid, along with all the other power plants in the country, and NS draws its power from the grid: Figure 3: The Netherlands' electricity grid. "So we in fact reached our goal a year earlier than planned," spokesman Ton Boon told AFP. As a retired telecomms engineer Im glad not to be repeatedly telling folks from the US that T1 is not a global standard any more! By tapping into both domestic and foreign sources of wind power, it [ensures] that there is always sufficient green power available on the grid for rail companies, even if the wind is not blowing, the company explained. However, early successes in rolling out the clean energy program . As Cleantechnica puts it: the GoO system allows for the transfer of the rights to call electricity green from those who actually generate renewable energy to those who dont but want to classify their power as such. - YouTube 0:00 / 6:04 Do Dutch trains run on Wind? 90/month for the typical 3 person household. All wind amd solar energy gets a hefty FIT tariff in the Netherlands, intended to guarantee profitability of the energy investment over the long term (even if the electricity market price goes negative, for example). These systems are found on underground trains in Los Angeles, Auckland and Buenos Aires, among others. At near the speed of light, is there such a thing as national or regional energy mix, other than in our habit forming minds? If NS consumes an amount of gray electricity, than other consumers who pay for gray electricity will get same amount of wind electricity mixed in their gray electricity. The Eneco Luchterduinen wind farm was officially opened in September 2015 and is a 50/50 joint venture between Dutch energy company Eneco and Japan's Mitsubishi corporation. Hughes didn't make that statement of all windmills, and he allowed that some could recoup their construction costs in three years or less. http://ast.lv/eng/power_system/current_situation_in_power_system/state_of_power_system/ [20] An additional 228 MW of capacity was installed at sea. Their original goal was to transition the trains to 100 percent renewable energy by 2018, but that target was moved up after reaching 75 percent in 2016. Stations are heated using heat exchangers, green gas or green electricity. Great post. It is a pity that they are allowing so many onshore/offshore wind turbines to blight our green and pleasant land and sea. RE fans should understand that present mainstream RE technologies ( mostly PV and wind) require considerable real estate and in our small island one cannot travel very far without having a wind farm in view. Deregulation Is Still Wrong for Consumers. Willem, you dont feel deprived by having 60Hz in the US. The Netherlands currently has a total of 2,200 wind turbines across the country, according to DutchNews.nl. Not big money, even on 100TWh. To aver otherwise displays ignorance or deception. As of the first of January this year, all public transport trains are being powered by renewable energy, namely from wind power. When wind power is fed into a grid it becomes inextricably mixed with all the vibrating electrons from other generation sources to the point where there is no way of knowing where any power taken from the grid came from. 14 October 2009. At least they are investing in renewable energy. [16], In March 2018 the Dutch government announced that it will build between 2023 and 2030 several new windfarms with a total installed capacity of 7 gigawatt. But you can arrange for a proxy burn of biogas in another state, say Colorado, and buy the rights to say you consumed it. NS and Eneco first announced their plan of a wind-powered railway in 2015 in order to drastically slash train ride emissions. Active 2020. That's something. The actual amount of green energy produced is unaffected.. Up until the Westereems Wind Park was commissioned the largest onshore wind farm was the Princess Alexia Windpark in Zeewolde (122MW),[36] consisting of 36 REpower turbines and a 3.2MW/33MWh battery storage power station of BMW i3 batteries. Ah, so the train really runs on smoke & mirrors. Probably not. Either figure comfortably exceeds the amount of electricity NS uses to power its electric trains, which is variously quoted as either 1.2 or 1.4TWh/year. This material may not be reproduced without permission. You know all that and simply fabricate a problem where there is non. It is just another way for RE politicians to bamboozle the lay public and keep the green mythology alive. The Netherlands currently has a total of 2,200 wind turbines across the country, according to DutchNews.nl. Eneco has made a point . You make one good point here which is that France has cheap electricity but expensive heating. Nevermind the entirety of it. Gimme a break. Its production also does not use any natural raw materials or food production resources. 15ct/kWh, 100%hydro, no nuclear or gray labeled power bought for pumping. No direct subsidies from the government are related to this contract.. World-famous for their picturesque windmills, the Netherlands has always had a love affair with wind energy. If the train line is a busy one, with small gaps between scheduled trains, the electricity produced by one helps to power the very next one that comes along. These sites are also surveyed centrally by the government allowing developers to avoid costly and multiple surveys.[11]. Supply from all generators is monitored in any case, all youd have to do is add up the It's a bit of smoke and mirrors but it helps to subside more expensive forms of generation. The national railway company, NS, said that its renewables target had been met a year earlier than planned. NS claims 100% wind power because it has a contract with various wind farms to produce enough energy to power its rail system, but this is just an accounting transaction. Belgium and Finland, wind farm portfolio guarantees sufficient capacity to cover such eventualities, http://www.sciencealert.com/all-electric-trains-in-the-netherlands-are-now-100-powered-by-wind-energy, http://www.djtelectricaltraining.co.uk/downloads/50Hz-Frequency.pdf, http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-e1-and-vs-t1/, https://askjaenergy.com/2015/03/23/does-apple-not-want-truly-green-data-centers/. if any Finnish electron reaches Netherlands most likely it goes via Baltic states, Poland and Germany. There is, however, a problem. N.p., 13 November 2000. 5.3M views, 13K likes, 1.3K loves, 1.7K comments, 95K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from BrightVibes: Amazing news! Ive included a (slightly-edited) mini-excerpt from my recent book, Science and the City, to explain: Electric locomotives dont have conventional engines. Intercity train arriving at Leiden Central railway station, Netherlands. So I know that its true, just as if I had read it in the Guardian. 01-13-17 Dutch Railways' Electric Trains Now Run On 100% Wind Energy Now 1.2 million people per day can commute without raising their carbon footprint. According to Cleantechnica This quote appeared in a book edited by Homer-Dixon, but it was actually written by David Hughes. Its worth remembering that data on wind and solar is available here: http://mylly.hopto.me/windineurope/wind_solar_20_countries_raw.zip. But a recent piece of news about electricity caught my attention. Harried Dutch commuters may not be entirely cognisant of the fact . These include the 580km NorNed submarine cable (700 MW) link to Norway, the 1,000 MW BritNed cable link to the United Kingdom and the COBRA cable link to Denmark (700 MW). When "green" energy is generated the producer can sell a Guarantee of Origin certificate for the amount generated. When the train doesn't run, NS schedules buses instead. Claims that Dutch trains running entirely on wind power are way off track. remarkably consists of wind turbines with just 2 blades, manufactured by Nedwind, the 18 turbines have a combined nominal power of 18 MW.[30]. [1] [2] [7] The project cost $272 million and is cooperatively owned by Royal Dutch Shell and the Dutch utility company Nuon. Indirect Contributions Are Essential To Physics, The Crisis In Theoretical Particle Physics Is Not A Moral Imperative, Why Study Science? Plus, it turns out that about half the electricity NS uses to power its rail system comes from outside of the Netherlands. It seems small compared with our renewables subsidies in the UK, which are of the order fo 150-450 times as big per MWh. The wind farm's 86 wind turbines will produce 1.4 billion kWh of electricity, enough. Some of the newer larger wind farms currently under construction are replacing smaller turbines previously installed at given locations. For high-speed trains, overhead wires are the better choice. But its a funny read. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The Netherlands is also well prepared for a significant rise in the production of intermittent power from wind energy by good linkages to its neighbours via high voltage cables enabling power to be imported or exported as required. The turbines supply enough energy to power 2.4 million households. They arent directly powered by wind. [19] In July 2016, the first two stages of offshore wind farm development for a combined 700 MegaWatt capacity in a water area near Borssele was awarded to DONG Energy at a price of 7.27 Euro cent per kilowatt hour for 15 years. A book co-edited by Thomas Homer-Dixon contained a passage stating that windmills "might never generate as much energy as was invested in building [them]." That would force other trains to halt. Rather they act like a component in an electric circuit. Grid connections for the Luchterduinen and Nordpoostpolder wind farms (locations approximate) are shown in black. In total, NS consumes around 1.2 TWh of electricity to power its trains. http://elering.ee/cross-border-physical-flows/ See the table below for the current situation. And half of Japan, poor devils. Wind farmsboth onshore and offshoreare regarded as a key component in renewable energy policy and an important tool in mitigating the risks of climate change. The Trains that run on Wind - BBC News 18,865 views Oct 17, 2017 This year, Dutch commuters ditched fossil fuels to power their country's trains on 100% wind energy - and it's a grand. <, 4C Offshore, Key project dates for Gemini, Princess Amalia (Netherlands) offshore wind farm, List of offshore wind farms in the North Sea, "Wind energy in Europe in 2019 - Trends and statistics", http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/1021714.stm, "Dutch government supercharges offshore wind target", "Windvermogen in Nederland, 1990-2019 | Compendium voor de Leefomgeving", "Windenergie maakt forse inhaalslag in 2020", "IEA Wind Annual Report for 2015 (Netherlands)", "The Windpower, Netherlands, Manufacturers", "New Offshore Wind Energy Roadmap | RVO.nl", "Windenergie op land; productie en capaciteit per provincie Windenergy on land; production and capacity per province", "Windenergie; elektriciteitsproductie, capaciteit en windaanbod per maand (Windenergy; electricity production, capacity and wind per month)", "Werken aan een nieuwe toekomst met windenergie", "Windpark De Drentse Monden en Oostermoer - Home", "Eneco en Vattenfall openen Windpark Slufterdam 2.0 met dubbel zoveel vermogen", "Windpark Deil Duurzame voorsprong in Deil", "Innovation site Borssele Wind Farm Site V fully commissioned | Van Oord/", "Gemini Offshore Wind Farm - Fully Commissioned - Netherlands | 4C Offshore", "Vattenfall Hollandse Kust - Windpark op de Noordzee", "BASF to pay 1.6Bn for green power from offshore windfarm", "Netherlands' Friesland province to invest in 320-MW wind park", "Largest Freshwater Offshore Wind Farm At Full Tilt", "Fryslan Wind Farm, a near-shore wind project in Netherlands", "Feiten, cijfers en planning Westermeerwind", "Planning en voorgenomen tenderschema windenergie op zee - Publicatie - Rijksoverheid.nl", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wind_power_in_the_Netherlands&oldid=1133669799. Transmission costs of 1.4 eurocent/kWh is to be added as TenneT is required to take power from sea to shore. I see the logic behind the options for supply that can be taken, but how can any householder take a contract for 100% wind power when often this is not available, certainly if a large number opt for green power. Started operations 2009. Only 18,9 Twh were bought in Norway, the rest sold abroad. : //elering.ee/cross-border-physical-flows/ See the table below for the amount generated Germany, there... Shift: How Peak Oil and the Climate Crisis Will Change Canada ( and our Lives ) Paperback ''. From BrightVibes: Amazing news as power. ' 86 wind turbines blight. Connections for the amount generated 30c/kWh household electric rates, as in Denmark Germany... The train really runs on smoke & mirrors, without there being one iota of benefit. 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dutch trains wind power snopes