did jesus walk on water before or after his resurrection

Not so in John. Though Satan should buffet / though trials should come, / Let this blest assurance control: / That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate / And hath shed his own blood for my soul (It Is Well with My Soul by Horatio Spafford). It is true that the disciples were scared because their hearts had been hardened as a result of their failure to comprehend the loaves. Matthews tale can give us hope that, no matter how we begin, we will be able to complete our journey with Jesus successfully.When Jesus climbed into the boat, the wind died down.But first, at the direction of Jesus, Peter walked on the water, confirming his authority as the Word of the Living God.This was demonstrated once more when Jesus calmed the storm with nothing more than his word. In summary: Jesus established the New Covenant and important signs thereof and linked it directly to the Old Covenant celebration (Passover). 7:3), and John, the author of Revelation, repeats the same (Rev. He called out to Jesus for help. (see Mark 6:44).After everything is said and done with my hypothetical idea, Jesus had just fed the tummies of almost 10,000 individuals by the time you add up the spouses, widows, and children. All of this has no bearing on my view of the mechanism of creation. These three instances reveal Jesus care for His people by supplying their every need. Then he jumped into the water. There are also others who not only reject this miracle, but also reject the reality that this miracle exposes as well.Who could believe that Jesus story of walking on water was a fairy tale after hearing the Nicene Creed read aloud at Mass, affirming that he is God from God, Light from Light, Very God of Very God, begotten not made, consubstantial with the Father by whom all things were made, and then claim that it was just a fairy tale?Modernism.I despise it with a ferocious zeal. After teaching a large crowd of people who had gathered around him, Jesus sent the disciples off by boat to return to Bethsaida while he went up on the mountain to pray (Mk 6:34-46). 33:45). Jesus is saying I AM. [4] During the journey on the sea, the disciples were distressed by wind and waves, but saw Jesus walking towards them on the sea. walked on the water, so the historical question is the same. [24], Biblical scholar George W. Young dismisses the naturalistic explanations, the traditional and the historical critical perspectives. Matthew 14 says: Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. They display the power of God. This blog is no longer being updated. Then Jesus multiplies bread, as if from thin air, to feed the multitudes with as much as they wanted (John 6:11), just as God had provided bread from heaven to feed His people with as much as any man could eat (Ex. The video appears to have been taken roughly 15 miles downstream from East Palestine, and just north of where Little Beaver Creek feeds into the Ohio River in Midland, Pennsylvania. Fairchild, Mary. As a result, our little difficulties are minor and transient difficulties that are preparing us for an everlasting grandeur that much transcends all of our difficulties (Rom.8:18; 2 Cor.4:17).3. Luke C23 V46, "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.". Not for convenience but as part of his mission. As Jesus and Peter climbed into the boat together, the storm ceased. Several hours later in the night, the disciples encountered a storm that frightened them. 4:17).3. Are the signs and wonders of Jesus real historical events? Following their successful feeding of a large number of people, Jesus and His 12 disciples walked up a mountain for some one-on-one devotional time with the Father. He was going to pass them by, according to Marks account, as Jesus was walking on the waves and passing them by. Yes, he walked on water, stilled the wind, healed and restored. / In every high and stormy gale, /My anchor holds within the veil. By walking on water in the middle of a furious storm, Jesus demonstrates His power and compassion for His people. As Christians we believe that Jesus was born with a mission and a purpose as the very embodiment of Israels God, our God. The hymn It Is Well with My Soul by Horatio Spafford begins, Whatever Satan buffet / though tribulations approach, / Let this blest certainty control: / That Christ has respect for my helpless position / And has bled his own blood for my soul. Edward Motes poem My Hope is Built on Nothing Less says, When darkness obscures his lovely face / I rest on his unchanging grace. The point is this: fear and faith cannot live in the same heart, for fear frequently blinds the eyes to the presence of the Lord. 16:4). Here is what that experience looks like: Step one: David was set on high and was flourishing at the hand of Gods bounty (v. 7a). There are accounts of this event in three GospelsMatthew, Mark, and Johnbut it is not included in the Gospel of Luke. Using similar language, Philip asks Jesus the same (John 6:5). 21:1). 48 And seeing them distressed in rowing, for the wind was contrary unto them, about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking on the sea; and he would have passed by them: 49 but they, when they saw him walking on the sea, supposed that it was a ghost, and cried out; 50 for they all saw him, and were troubled. Probably inert. Concentrating on Jesus: Peter did not begin to sink until he took his eyes off of Jesus and began to gaze about him at the wind and the seas. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. That verse doesnt predict Gods vengeance against beachfront property; rather, its His promise that everything the sea symbolizes in Scripturesin, death, and judgmentwill be done away with when Christ makes all things new (Rev. Lord, save me! he cried out in desperation. Is there any relationship here between your view of creation and your view of the signs and wonders performed by Jesus? Jesus Walks on Water: Faith During a Storm (Mark 6:45-52), Peter the Apostle - Member of Jesus' Inner Circle, Israel Tour Pictures: Photo Journal of the Holy Land, Moses and the Burning Bush Bible Story Study Guide, The Wedding at Cana Details Jesus' First Miracle, Scripture Readings for the Third Week of Advent, Bible Story of a Brave Trio: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, General Biblical Studies, Interdenominational Christian Training Center. And He is inviting us in with a warm smile and a hand held out in the air, as if to say, Come. Peter was able to concentrate for a short period of time. She lives with her husband in Michigan, close to her adult children and grandkids.For additional information or to get in touch with Danielle, please visit her website. Anyone who is unfamiliar with the narrative will recall that Jesus multiplied enough bread and fish to feed a huge crowdand there were plenty of leftovers to go around.Besides providing what they need, he went above and above to deliver what they desired, which was more than enough!But thats exactly what Jesus does: He struts his stuff!Not only were all of His miracles for our advantage, but they were also for His benefit.He was well aware of who He was. (Moses could only draw water from the rock, while Jesus could draw wine from the rock, the stone jars; see Ex. All rights reserved. Then they witnessed Jesus walking toward them across the surface of the water, and their fear turned to terror because they believed they were seeing a ghost. First, we have the multiplication of signs and wonders as in Egypt (cf. New Living Translation During the forty days after he suffered and died, he appeared to the apostles from time to time, and he proved to them in many ways that he was actually alive. / In every high and stormy gale / My anchor holds within the veil. [1], Matthew's account adds that Peter asked Jesus, "if it is you", to tell him, or command him, to come to Jesus on the water (waters). Come, he instructed.As a result, Peter stepped out of the boat and walked across the water to reach Jesus.His fear increased, though, as he noticed the wind. 11:1), and they questioned Gods capacity to accomplish what He had promised (John 6:52; see also Ps.78:1920).It is in this way that practically every significant occurrence in the Exodus account is replicated in John 6. 6:45 And straightway he constrained his disciples to enter into the boat, and to go before him unto the other side to Bethsaida, while he himself sendeth the multitude away. According to the lesson, when Christians take their eyes off of Jesus and concentrate on their challenging circumstances, they begin to crumble under the weight of their issues and eventually perish. Colossians 1: He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. When we repeat a particular idea often enough that it becomes part of the air we breathe for years, or even generations on end, it accumulates a gravitas, an authority, that soon goes unexamined. Peter exposes mans inability to command the natural elements of the world, while Jesus shows Himself victorious over fear, death, and the created world. Comparison in other versions at BibleGateway. It says it ceased. Fairchild, Mary. This is all the more remarkable given that Johns account is the shortest by far (86 words in Greek compared with 139 in Mark and 186 in Matthew). This event convinced the 12 disciples that Jesus is indeed the living Son of God. Wanting to believe, Peter steps out in faith to walk on the water with Jesus. After feeding the 5,000, Jesus Christ sent his disciples on ahead of him in a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee. There are accounts of this event in three Gospels Matthew, Mark, and John but it is not included in the Gospel of Luke. To put it differently, if we can trust Jesus to resolve our deepest problems, as He does through the cross and the resurrection, then how much more can we trust Him to handle the smaller trials of life? Note, too, that Moses doubts regarding Gods ability to provide meat came after the miraculous provision of manna (Numb. The connections are so strong that the crowds recognize Jesus as the promised prophet like Moses (John 6:14; see Deut. Kenda Deans newbook is called Almost Christian: What the Faith of Our Teenagers is Telling the American Church []. 32 And when they were gone up into the boat, the wind ceased. The people on the lake, however, thought he was a ghost when they saw him wandering about on the water.They screamed because they had all seen him and were afraid of him.Immediately, he addressed them and encouraged them, saying, Take courage! It wasn't identified exactly in The Bible the year on which JESUS walk on the water but we can say it was perhaps year 33 as JESUS walkes on the water after His resurrection from. Peter replied, "Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water," and Jesus invited Peter to do exactly that. Evolutionary creation makes the most sense out of the data. (Matthew 8:2). with he walked on the SEA, and went into a learned discourse about The miraculous feat of Jesus walking on the water, written in three of the Gospels, came right after His wondrous feeding of the 5,000 with only five loaves of bread and two fish ( Matthew 14:17 ). He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything. The idea is that before His death, all Old Testament believers were in Abraham's bosomthe paradise part of Hades. 19 When therefore they had rowed about five and twenty or thirty furlongs, they behold Jesus walking on the sea, and drawing nigh unto the boat: and they were afraid. 237 views, 1 likes, 5 loves, 12 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Harris Funeral Directors: Homegoing Service for Minister Beatrice Lee Wiggins. But then the strong wind took his focus off of Christ. But what about the major exodus event of the crossing of the Red Sea? In antiquity, people were fascinated by the prospect of walking on waternot just and not exclusively the J It was a dream, a fascinating I dreamed about it.If humans do not have a particular relationship with God or attain divine abilities through magic (Luz, Matthew, 3), it is impossible for them to do so and it is only possible for God to do so. The account of Jesus walking on the water, according to Matthew, was written with the goal of evoking memories of the Exodus.This would then build on the imagery of the Exodus in the feeding of the 5000 as being akin to Gods supply of manna in the wilderness, as well as the Exodus imagery in the feeding of the 5000. What made you lose your nerve like that?" What did Jesus mean when He said, Peace, be still. Mary Fairchild is a full-time Christian minister, writer, and editor of two Christian anthologies, including "Stories of Calvary.". THATS MY JESUS, RIGHT THERE!Even when we believe we are about to drown because we are obeying Christ as He beckons us out onto the sea, He continues to urge, Come with me into the storm, deeper. Im right here.Im not going to let it get to you. Of course, for the average Joe, if Jesus walked on the sea, he also He did not come to make us rich, famous, or comfortable. Hades or Sheol was seen as the place of the dead with three areas or compartments: (1) the abyss or tartarus, the place of confinement for those demons who sinned in the days of Noah; (2) torments, the place of suffering for . Matthews narrative goes into greater detail about the scenario than the other two accounts.They had all finished their meals and were satisfied, and the disciples collected twelve baskets full of broken bits that had been left behind.In addition to women and children, there were around 5,000 males who participated in the meal. "We Do Not Own The Rights To Any of The. as events with deep symbolic resonance. As soon as Jesus saw him, he reached out and grasped him. The third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. When Peter called out to Jesus to save him, Matthew 14:31 says Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him. (Matthew 14:33). Philippians 2: Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. This sovereign King goes from whipping the wind into shape, to being crucified on a cross in order to bring about the redemption of His people. 7:1819). But it was the revelation of Jesus walking on the water that, more than any other, convinced Jesus' disciples . Neither does Johns recounting of the occurrence in his book (John 6:15-21).We are told, however, in Matthew, about Peter stepping out of the boat and walking on water!You and I both know that Peter is an ordinary person. Despite its name, the lake is 700 feet below sea level in the Mediterranean Sea.One of the most notable characteristics of this body of water is that it is extremely vulnerable to storms that can come on suddenly and be extremely violent.This type of storm is triggered by the collision of cold air rushing down from the mountains surrounding it with warm, moist air rising from the surface of the water itself.After sunset, his disciples went down to the lake, where they boarded a boat and began their journey to Capernaum. Stephanie is passionate about allowing God to use her honest thoughts and confessions to bring gospel application to life. 1-3, 11-12) and exhorts others to thank God (vv. But what about the Red Sea crossing, which was a massive migration event in its own right?There is a similarity between this and the gospel of John.The Johannine narrative of Jesus walking on water, in addition to the obvious similarities to the Exodus in John 6, also makes four references to the seaa number that is more than any other account in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke).This is even the more astonishing when you consider that Johns account is by far the shortest (86 words in Greek compared with 139 in Mark and 186 in Matthew).Furthermore, John refers to the sea four more times in the same chapter, both before and after the crossing of the Sea of Galilee by Jesus and his disciples (John 6:1, 22, 25).To the contrary, none of the other authors mentions the sea either before or after Jesus walks on its surface water. Now study the following paragraph from Psalm 77.When I thought about it, I thought, Ill make an appeal to the years when the Most High extended his right hand. 11 I will recall the works of the Lord; yes, I will recall your wonders that occurred a long time ago.12 I will think on all of your accomplishments and reflect on all of your magnificent exploits. 13 Gods methods are pure and unblemished.Is there a god who is as great as our God?14 The people see you as the God who works miracles, and you demonstrate your authority among them.15 You redeemed your people, the offspring of Jacob and Joseph, with your powerful arm. And this is his clue to the meaning of all that follows. Therefore, our little problems by comparison are light and momentary troubles that are preparing us for an eternal glory that far outweighs them all (Rom. 33:45).And, while He rejects their promise of kingship without the crucifixion (cf.Matt.4:89; Luke 4:57), Jesus does not deny the relationship to Moses that they have made with Him.As a matter of fact, He builds on the comparison by mounting a mountain by himself (John 6:15), just as Moses had done before Him (Ex.19:13). The walking on the sea episode has specific interpretations within Christian teachings and has been viewed by scholars as important due to its perceived impact on the formation of Christian ecumenical creeds, as discussed below. As soon as he took his eyes off of Jesus, Peter began to sink.When Peter called out to the Lord, Jesus quickly put out his hand to grab him in his arms.As Jesus and Peter clambered into the boat together, the storm came to an abrupt halt. Restoring faith after a lapse: When Peter got off the boat, he had excellent intentions, but his faith began to wane as time went on. Once on the boat, they were delighted to have him aboard, and the boat arrived at their destination almost instantly (John 6:14-21).The feeding of the five thousand was a sign, according to John, and he recognized it.He also took notice of what the people had to say about it and how Jesus replied to their comments, which he recorded. In particular, the narrative part of the story seems to fall into the apocalyptic genre, meaning by this term a genre characterized by an accentuated symbolism and light-shadow contrasts. the minister believed about the historicity of the story. Liberal rationalism here we come. Initially Jesus collects the Apostles on a boat and sends them away alone, to go alone to the mountain to pray, but promising to meet them on the other side of the "sea"; the apostles have difficulty in reaching the other shore, but Jesus appears and everything ends well. 11:22), who believes that God would not be able to give enough food, just as Philip informs Jesus that two hundred denarii of bread would not be enough (John 6:7).Its also worth noting that Moses reservations about Gods capacity to give meat followed the miraculous gift of manna (Numbers 11:79).Despite this, Philips reservations regarding Jesus capacity to feed five thousand people arise following Christs miraculous provision of wine for a wedding feast (John 2:111) in the Gospel of John. [20], Some scholars have held the view that while this event took place, it was not miraculous: Albert Schweitzer, for example, suggested that the disciples saw Jesus walking on the shore, but were confused by high wind and darkness; some scholars who accept this "misperception thesis" argue that Mark originally wrote that Jesus walked on the seashore rather than on the sea, and that John had a more accurate version. Why Does Jesus Walk on Water in the Bible? There is a parallel in Johns gospel as well. Suggestion of a natural cause and effect does not undermine the work of God. 711).In contrast to this, the signs Jesus performs are loving and restorative rather than horrific and punishing in nature (John 6:2, 11).Next, in Exodus 12, we have the institution of the Passover, as well as an allusion to the Passover in John 6:4, which are both references to Jesus.Following this, Israel traveled in the desert, and Moses prayed to God for guidance on where he could obtain enough food to feed such a large number of people (Num. He wasnt being pulled on skis by a boat. Following the feeding of the 5,000, Jesus Christ dispatched his disciples ahead of him in a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee to the other side.Later that night, the disciples came upon a storm that made them feel uneasy and threatened them with death.Their dread quickly changed to horror as they saw Jesus strolling toward them across the surface of the water, and they began to believe that they were seeing the appearance of a ghost. 'How Great Thou Art' By Carrie Underwood with Vince Gill, Jesus on Adultery: Its More Controversial Than You Think, 'You Raise Me Up' Duet Earns A Standing Ovation From The Judges, 10 Things Your Husband Wishes You Would Say to Him, 30 Morning Prayers to Start Each Day with God, 3 Bad Church Approaches to Good Money Stewardship, 5 Critical Rules to Teach Your Kids to Help Them Stay Safe, 4 Things You Should Know about Jesus Revolution, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Crosswalk.com. This preview shows page 17 - 19 out of 39 pages. Because of its religious significance, the narrative serves as the foundation for numerous fundamental life teachings that guide believers in their religious practices. 14:13).2 The implication is clear: we have nothing to fear so long as God is with us, and He is with us in Christ Jesus our Lord. Peter showed the boldness of his faith as he followed Jesus out of the boat. They may intellectually begin to understand that He is the prophesied messiah, but they do not yet know that Jesus will lay aside His divine power in order to die on their behalf (Matthew 27:32-56). It is, in fact, I.Do not be alarmed. When he joined them in the boat, the wind began to drop down.Mark 6:49-50 is an example of a parable.Because He needed to go to the other side of the lake, the quick answer to the title of todays devotional is: because He needed to get there! You have such a small amount of faith, Jesus responded. It is because John wants us to see Jesus as the greater Moses, as he has already told us both explicitly ( John 1:16-17) and implicitly (Moses could only draw water from the rock, while Jesus could draw wine from the rock, the stone jars; see Ex. [15], Scholars such as Ulrich Luz and separately Dale Allison view the pericope as instrumental in asserting the divinity of Jesus among early Christians. Jesus committed no sin, either before orduring His suffering (cf. 78:1920). Miracles, Peace, Strength, This is where the waves whipped up around the disciples' boat and frightened them into waking Jesus during the storm. And here in John 6:1621, Jesus is depicted as standing above the sea as the One who has power over everything. In the forty days after the resurrection, Christ stayed on the earth to prepare His disciples for the work before them. Moses also doubts Gods ability to provide enough food (Num. That verse does not foretell Gods retribution against beachfront property; rather, it is Gods promise that everything the sea symbolizes in Scripturesin, death, and judgmentwill be abolished when Christ restores all things to their original state (Rev. After witnessing this miracle, the disciples worshiped Jesus, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God.". [19], Catholic scholar John P. Meier believes that the miraculous walk on water is a purely theological narrative, without historical foundation. When they saw him, they were all scared, according to Mark 6:5051. Likewise, Micah tells us that the sea is the place where God sends sin to be judged, forgiven, and forgotten forever (Mic. The amazing thing is that in faith Peter started walking on the water toward Jesus. Furthermore, John tells us that not only is the dark, chaotic sea the origin of Gods enemies, but it is also symbolic of their end (Rev. [17], Scholars who hold that the story records actual events do so on the basis that Jesus, as Son of God, was above the laws of nature; or, in a variation, that Jesus projected an image himself while actually remaining on the shore. 18 And the sea was rising by reason of a great wind that blew. This is the Apostolic witness, the testimony to Jesus as Lord: John 1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. I heard a splash, and immediately there was a commotion among the many adults and kids. After all, they knew the Roman authorities had put Jesus to death, and that His body had been taken down from the cross and sealed in a tomb. A similar statement is made by Daniel in Daniel 7:3, and John, who wrote Revelation, states that the chaos of the sea is where Gods adversaries come from as well (Revelation 19:11). Did Jesus walk on water? He walked on top of the water in the middle of a raging storm. Im not sure, but Ill question Him about it one of these days.Because of the massive storm that is occurring all around them, as well as Jesus presence on the lakeshore, Peter responds, If its you, order me to come out on the sea (Matthew 14:28).As a result, Jesus accomplishes just that!Just think about it! Storms, on the other hand, might rage for days on end with no sign of abating. Every one of his deeds and teachings may be seen through this prism of understanding. [7], In all three accounts, after Jesus got into the ship, the wind ceased and they reached the shore. [27], Young analyses the pericope as the expression of three entangled, conflicting perspectives on reality: (i) the "conventional reality" based on sensory perception; (ii) the "impossible" vision of Jesus resulting in the astonishment of the observers; (iii) the narrator's metaphysical comment in Mark 6:52 identifying Jesus as the Son of God.[28]. And it was now dark, and Jesus had not yet come to them. Meaning of Jesus Walking on Water. By contrast, none of the other authors mentions the sea before or after Jesus walks on its water. Its important to note that John did not have to include this miracle.1 The decision to include this miracle at all, including where John places it and how he describes it, therefore carries a specific significance. 51 And he went up unto them into the boat; and the wind ceased: and they were sore amazed in themselves; 52 for they understood not concerning the loaves, but their heart was hardened. I have arrived! After that, he went inside the boat, and the wind died down completely. Jesus is still with us in the storm, reminding us of what Hes done, strengthening us for the trials we face, and encouraging us not to forget that our biggest problems have already been solved. [24], Adela Yarbro Collins concludes that the text characterizes Jesus as Messiah and king of Israel endowed with divine properties. All rights reserved. [24], Others look for an origin in the mythic world of the Old Testament itself (Christ's victory over the waters paralleling Yahweh's defeat of the primeval Sea, representing Chaos),[25] or within the New Testament, as an originally simple story later embellished with Hellenistic and Old Testament details. And the distance would be sufficient not to recognise features. & The Ministry and Life of Christ. The episode occurs shortly after another miracle, the feeding of the 5,000. [14] Cook and Evans note that the "Lord Save me" cry of Peter is similar to Matthew 8:25 and Mark 4:38 in the calming the storm episode and again emphasizes the reliance of the disciples on Jesus. [22], Finally, there are scholars who regard the story as an example of "creative symbolism", or myth,[23] which probably was understood by a part of the audience literally and by others allegorically. John's Gospel specifies that they were five or six kilometers away from their departure point. If we had an undamaged, clear videotape of the incident, Oral tradition, according to Meier, is intertwined with references to the Old Testament (Jesus' answer "I am" is in accordance with the vision of Jesus as Yahweh of the Early Church) and post-resurrection perceptions. But I want to ask you a tough question. Im right here. That is really mind-boggling to me! whether he though Jesus actually walked on the water. This post didnt get many comments, although the conversation continued with several more along the same theme as this one. For those who are familiar with the Old Testament, John 6 may appear to be a recreation of the exodus account, in which the Passover is a significant element, as it does to those who are not.In the first place, we have the proliferation of signs and wonders, similar to what happened in Egypt (cf.Ex. In essence, Jesus was testing the disciples faith, and this meant removing every human prop. But Christianity is not a deist faith; it is a theist faith. These are powerful passages. An further allusion to the chapter from Job. Psalm 30 thanks God (vv. 16 And when evening came, his disciples went down unto the sea; 17 and they entered into a boat, and were going over the sea unto Capernaum. My daughter stepped off into a still lake and immediately began to sink, but Jesus took off from the shore into high waves and gusting winds. Authors mentions the sea before or after Jesus walks on its water power everything! Faith Peter started walking on the water did jesus walk on water before or after his resurrection the darkness did not comprehend it living Son of.... That Jesus is depicted as standing above the sea as the foundation for numerous fundamental life teachings that believers! Scared because their hearts had been hardened as a result of their failure to comprehend the.... After another miracle, the storm ceased God ( vv traditional and the,! 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did jesus walk on water before or after his resurrection