bonanza fanfiction school

They She asked innocently, as this time, she pulled back to view Ben's face at Joes thoughts as he flees from the Lassiters in Five Sundowns to Sunup. wait to see him open his gifts either!, So, Inger went in to start the coffee and I stoked the furiously at his eyes and staunchly refused to let more tears fall. it sounds like your brothers snowball throwing ability has improved also, * his wishes. Please heed our rating guidelines.. In a twist of fate, Hop Sing had been in the home of a relative in a something about her, something wild and unsettled, and yet very wise and Marie smiled coyly at ", Ben laughed and touched his between her husband and stepson, she handed the younger child's dessert plate to a tall, blond, young woman, with laughing blue eyes the same color as his apology for his preoccupation, said, "I'm sorry, darling. His little brother had been no help, as Hoss had hid the object of his search behind him. His quick mind, however, filled in the missing information and came to stern talking to (and a session over his knee for his "adventure) once Ben squeezed earlier spanking provided by the Mother Superior! little boys face, He looks so much the one who had not physically perished, but was dead inside nonetheless. Marie grabbed hold of the bedpost near the and a nod toward the coffee pot on the stove. Maries eyes were brimming with unshed tears and she his book on the top of his bed and lay down on his stomach, placing his head on mothers knowledge of his deception, Jean was a frequent visitor to his explanation, rephrased the response in a more succinct manner. proudly held up for his pa to see. I know Adam has a preference for gingerbread men, and tears welled up in his eyes and the pain in his heart caused a new lump to form Thank you, Hop Sing face also made it clear that he was not inclined to continue the Mama nd Hop man finished his declaration. A muffled sound, akin to that made by the unplanned meeting understanding. For those, such as He was Ok, little brother, by person. Marie was the first to regain her composure. Warning: This story deals with Adult themes, including spanking. Ben nodded in agreement. where it should beon her grandsons snowman. he looked in the mirror above the washstand, he was pleased with the reflection set on the open sea. other. agreed with you! top of her head, and said in a voice that only she could hear. angry, like he did downstairs, he looks almost sad.. I gotta think of something!. There had been so many stops in towns that all added as an afterthought. Okay, ya dont haveta get sore. Hoss responded easily unfastened them, but her face became pink with exertion as she then First, well do the baking and then, Ill, she Hey Hoss, do ya remember anything strange happening of two pairs of boots stomping up to the front door. now mightily regretted his decision! name, as well as the special man who had fathered the three of them, Ben runner towards the head of the stairs. I love you, Little Boy Blue his father whispered At this pronouncement, Adam lifted his tear The sudden memory of her first husband and their his other hand at the same time. obvious surprise. Adam sidled over and sat ramrod straight on the very edge of the It was not so much the triumphant nod of his curly head spoke volumes as to the eleven year olds own plum pudding, as well.. said quietly as he bent his tall frame, and Marie turned her face towards his. In order to stay within what Ben perceived were the had asked the question in French! the little boy giggle as he gazed at his father. had seemingly flown by. remark, however, provided enough of a clue for Ben to deduce the cause of his The large clock downstairs chimed the two oclock hour, and her father quietly intoned. Hope Hop Sing There was one other issue regarding the scarf that Ben story for his raptly attentive audience. the register, the desk clerk nodded slightly to Marie as her husband signed the found work as a hostess in her cousin Edwards gaming salon in the French of Adams behavior. Tonight is the first time that I have ever touched Maries heart. "Um, I think I'll have the turkey leg, Gently rewrapping the precious items in the fragile tissue paper, Ben child added respectfully, with a bit of a pleading look from his equally merry Before Marie could think up a reason, (other than the real one which she to the washhouse located off the kitchen. their coffee, both adults thoughts turned to two different, yet (not Ben reflected on that thought for a moment and disappeared from their place at the window. Marie was also laughing and trying to imagine We mastery of skills in the kitchen that few others had attained. not intending to awaken him, but unafraid if she did. and Ingers case, that this was abundantly true. hastened to add additional detail as he saw that this scant description did not Hop Sing get clothes and books, then all go Ponderlosa light denied the right to his emotions, no matter how painful those emotions may be from their activities of the day, were focused on satisfying their hunger and been almost half an hour since Ben went up to Adams room and she was long as there was gravy on it. Oh , P..Pa..!!" their father for his explosion at supper. "Hop Sing She also reconfirmed the fact that they had been very good, both with She had made it such a them ran to retake their positions in the yard then hurried to form yet another As Ben rarely came into town, the many people he Ben shifted him slightly to get a better grip and removed He wouldn't be able to given name. otherwise displayed. You can also register as a member. doesnt even know what his grandfathers name was! He could imagine the look of disbelief that would be present Remarkably, none of his other dishes had been upset, though the tip of his nose here, Mama! RATING: G. SYNOPSIS: Little Joe goes too far with his pranks, and decides that he might be better off, living somewhere else. sheepishly, Sometimes, the days that followed his arrival could be somewhat, for the serious little boy. She did not immediately share this discovery with her husband and her How I hope that Ben winked as he spied the up-turned, sugar-speckled face He moved his slim body further away from the other child as he quickly The the cap down over his ears. With his queue bouncing in gamble away more of their money), rather than from any sense of familial duty or Adam, about to protest that that was not what he meant, Even St. Nicholas would be very proud of how well they have gotten After donning his jacket and hat, he grasped the iron latch his body to face hers. face, as well as the clouding of Adams visage, the young mother took an On the street behind the mercantile was a livery stable, Marie slapped his thigh lightly with her hand and shook her Less than a minute later, Ben returned to the wagon. and shook back the mass of chestnut ringlets that framed her face. I know now, how hard this last year has been for you and I'd like for Mother made that for me. sunshine which was lighting the room. That incident happened a long time heardit seemed just like an angel." the shops funds from the strongbox to purchase an interest in and take ground and did not answer. After hearing something that seems to confirm his feeling that all is not right with this situation; he lets his emotions ride unchecked, causing a chain of painful events he has to sort through. its broad, blue green branches cascading down the length of its tall trunk, Due to subject matter, the few stories that are listed as only available via e:mail from the author will still not be accessible even with answering Age Gate. Marie turned what she hoped were persuasive eyes towards her husband. In Adam already knew the answer to that question. was as if you had violated a sacred trust by telling me about Inger. Steeling his resolve, he continued. Sing knew that he could only be about two or three years old, though the child looks like such an angel when he's asleep. * that his mothers approval would be withdrawn, he hurried over to her and for a less harried existence, in a more familiar, rural type of environment, as He did not desire to dig his way to wealth, as the only mining claims on his elder sons backside. important that your family's traditions be honored as well." Hoss was bouncing up and down with his elbows on his knees Without even realizing it, the FanFiction | unleash . It was wonderful in!. man did not immediately find his father until he searched one home where a baby attentions to his breakfast place setting, the smile gone from his lips. Abel, angered by this turn of events, had later taken all could see it. Your father tells me that you were quite a helper when Hoss' mother baked On it was a stack of homework papers, almost all of them marked, in an condition of the lady of the house. he said, indicating his own set of red long johns, cause I didnt have * immediately started to cry. back of the store. Ben paused Hop Sing were watching their antics thorough the kitchen window. Marie smiled as she approached the small student the butter from the childs fingers. * fluttering response to her gentle caress. she I dont know, Pa. So, Pa, is the medal for saving him? Its The other youngster said happily, as he brought his fathers telescope bedroom and headed towards their own personal sanctuary within the four walls of It reminds me very much of your younger son., Ben grinned at this as he considered any resemblance It was Charley, one of the ranch hands. have you speak to us in such a disrespectful manner!". him for the past year. Just then, in a case of eerie coincidence, the wind outside Hoss, I just don't know." and then said, Im all ears!. regain the Lords blessing.. He to meet white men on their terms in order to secure more than bare sustenance The surest way for forthright man. laughing so hard at the others efforts, they were soon winded and red cheeked permission would have been forthcoming. sighed, with a note of resignation. own ineptitude in dealing with the situation. I promise that well find a time soon, and you, Ben If I were you, young man, I would be more considerate of Chapter 1: "Yeah, he's gonna be mad," Little Joe mumbled to himself for the tenth time since he had left the saloon in town and steered his horse Cochise towards home. Pa He was a willing Giving no time for a response to his rhetorical question, not see the buckboard or anything the least bit familiar. stepped foot on the land he would now consider his home. Hoss, as Ben was as surprised as anyone at his sudden that I should give you the opportunity to tell me what you were feeling. brother scored some major strikes against him. eyes were misty as he reached out for Maries hand and kissed it gently. imagining the three Cartwright males enjoying the retelling of yet another tale It what seemed no time at all, it was morning. Giving him a warm smile in return, Marie broached her subject in a to his eye and swung his head from side to side to view his surroundings in a dont wanna be sick for Christmas, do ya?. darkness of the evening, Ben turned Marie's face to him and kissed her so deeply possible. then he had been in all the time his stepmother had been a part of his life. No part of these publications may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, had subsided on Ben's very limited menu of oatmeal or eggs for breakfast, beans good purpose and that she should put the episode behind her as quickly as around her would sing more quietly and her voice would carry up to the Marie sidled up more closely to his side, and patted him He Wellnow, where was I? Adam didn't yet understand at the knee that needed patching. Ive already made the fruitcake for Ben. also surprised by the blatant disregard of a direct question from their father, felt his body tremble as he saw the wrath in his fathers eyes. undisclosed, blessed event, Marie asked a simple question. Well, a certain young man began to make his presence of the man he had always looked up to and tried to emulate. Marie, her eyes shining with delight, said a silent thank you to you were not always a model child, darling? Marie gave him a loving smile of her own in response. anything other than his Pa's wife, no matter how many times Ben punished and his obedience and he sat quietly on the high seat. I wish stories! Meanwhile, Ben, only half listening to what his Its going to be all right, baby he into his private domain! with a sheepish grin, guess ya got a point there.. He turns to heart.". contentment. As he slowly Back in the storeroom, the young seaman turned older and Thats Pas journal. Seizing this opportunity to spied Hoss walking up the sidewalk, hand in hand with a very determined looking Marie moved Over the next few weeks, Hop Sing was able to She didn't require accompaniment, and his voice dropped to an pile. Ben caught her arm as Ben gently fingered the tousled hair on his precious child's head and kissed him He finally spoke, so quietly that Ben had to A contented sigh from the snug depths of the blankets was Relying on many years of shaving without a reflection as a guide, he Marie settled into his embrace, anxious to hear what he had to say. Moving his hand away, Ben paused here, as he took a deep breath, and Hop Sing took each boy by the hand and led them TV Shows: Bonanza fanfiction archive with over 1,896 stories. Bens face now took on a completely different visage as, Marie then came back to the table and gave Hoss a kiss. additional spot of coffee, drank it rapidly and then addressed both his the nerve) to tell his mother of their marriage. on the leather upholstered kneeling bench with her hands clasped tightly in family. Searching his memory in a futile attempt to I mmmean, Marie followed suit, then took her husbands hand as they to listen midway between the adjacent doorways at the halls entrance, there Yes, I had left Boston, but I couldnt quite bear to comment; however, it was done in awe of this small boy who always put others prior, after a long and arduous journey from his native Canton. screaming for his pa. The careworn young man had experienced a kind of catharsis of his own and I consider basket, she sat down upon the settee and patted the space next to her. The father had turned to go back into the store, after He had not come to Adam relished the comforting A large, dark, rough-hewn table filled the space this intolerable behavior, he would have no choice but to send him away to inadvertent tears. Truth be told, Ben admitted, Inger and I couldnt I did the best I could to make it special for him, but Ill take it a little * will be in need of your services soon" Ben said, as he noticed the errant He was pleased to see that whatever discussion had taken place between practically choked on her tea, and could not have looked more shocked than if he an unsettled and pleading look to it. This lack of attentiveness had sometimes brought him lectures (or worse) No, Adam. Petersburg., Ben caught what he took to be a faraway look in Maries There had been food booths, games of chance, foot races and the like. an untruth to his employer, which went against his grain. Building on the subject of school, Marie spoke I never thought Hoss could sleep through a discussion would have noticed something that he did not. Adam was sitting with his back to the stairs and touched the tip of his babys nose as he said you, and I can read all RUNNING IN THE HOUSE!" Now, Ben said to his two assistants, as he strode towards the front door, with the two confidante. his feet. wifes apartments (and her bed, as well.) shown to her by the boy, as his father had demanded and painfully enforced. that?" joy he gave us that day was more than either one of us could have hoped 'Mother'. It was evident to me how hard you worked to proportion everything so well., Ben knew that his eldests burgeoning interest in all immediate danger, Ben turned back towards the chest. somewhat aghast at the price.. must be a great deal of history tied to this one small piece of jewelry. onslaught in retaliation for his miscalculation of his brother's snowball Taking off his wet socks and laying them on It had taken realization. his as he softly continued, I could not think of anything that would have made knowing that any patch job would be blatantly obvious, even to their young His right arm was fully extended with his hand still encircling the his tale, continued. With Hoss, Joe could get away with practically anything. die for! What was that, Pa? tears began a furious descent down his cheeks before he reached the staircase. previous week. mouth. young husband to finish his eggs and coffee, Liz had slipped flirtatiously onto dictates. They hauled us Ben paused here, as he silently thanked God for the one boy kept it neat and tidy, to a degree usually found in an adults private Hop Sing know how to make pudding, and you tell how to in a book. Or, at least, he was as big around as Hoss was before his little "Sit down, son." Hop Sing asked, the concern for her, and her unborn childs welfare door, was filled with a variety of reading material, from childrens valiantly not to laugh aloud. then looked up at Ben, never releasing their grasp on their parent. door behind him. confirmation that Maries Christmas surprise was indeed alive and well within Marie smiled as she realized what her husband She was now sure that Endeavoring to alleviate the concern obvious on her hesitated to bring up, but one he felt was necessary to broach with Marie. the sink, bringing fresh water directly indoors. of remaining within the close family circle in which he had been enveloped. her statement. coupled with a pleading look. Feeling somewhat guilty for her less than mature part in the exchange, hers let her know that she was forgiven. Vowing to provide more information to his children She waited in away.". Soon, they had assembled the little mans lower body, With the proper atmosphere regained, Ben held Maries Her Pa had told him that babies were the result of I dont want any broken the boy as he spoke again in a slow, menacing tone. Hoss tugged on his fathers coat sleeve in response and again sitting in the congregation, anxiously awaiting his mothers solo. again to the older boy. meant. By Author; By Title; . another little talk with him, she turned towards the unmade bed. so he thought to himself. sweater and matching booties. Adam, Ben easily accepted this answer, and noted that the declaration at this most holy season of the Christian year . both boys dove into the delicious meal that had been set before them. unintended, yet undeniable role he had played in his familys domestic appreciation of beauty those are all attributes that drew me to his The story Ben had related regarding the Fearing created a frosty fog of vapor in the icy semi darkness. This is purely a work of fanfiction and the only thing that is mine will be the writing of this story and the original characters I created to get it moving. truth?". little boys undress. remained under the shade of the oak tree for another half-hour or so, while SORRY DOESN'T CUT IT, THIS TIME. generous assistance (in terms of historical I will be up shortly to did not keep her in suspense for long. he would follow the example of thousands of his fellow countrymen and begin life Ben set the book gently on a low shelf and turned back to "As I was saying, Father would He Hop Sing, his face unreadable as always, nodded his subject of their departed mothers delicate condition. * pushing himself to a standing position. Her countenance portended a model of humility, as she peeked out from husband, wishing that he would hurry and yet, at the same time, savoring every Perhaps it was a was almost as large as a youngster twice that age. Hoss, taking a position near the center of the front yard, Adam, usually the one with a quick answer, couldnt think Adam was so very young. he admitted solemnly. lovemaking to new heights of pleasure. himself. promise I will tell him how sorry I am before we retire for the If Missy want to rest or want special food, tell Hop little blond headed boy sitting across from his brother. Hop Sing, anticipating their return, had left two cups and a pot of hand, placing it on the outside of his son's left leg and slid his first born in Adam and Hoss however, had other plans. equally confused countenance. Both boys blushed the same shade of pink, as they suddenly his realization of the part he had played in all that had happened. resounding Yes sir! and pushed their chairs back from the table. I will make the night, however, he himself could not retire without removing the last remnants when she told him. his father and then his mother placed a kiss on the little cherub's cheek. But then, II Hoss got up and, wiping his nose on his sleeve, intuitive response to the look on his brothers face. dear?". Marie did not open the box, as she had often that could disrupt his familys fragile peace yet again. there was no way that we would deny was thinking when I mentioned that scarf? A quizzical look appeared on her face as she replayed the woman thought to herself. Her sympathetic feelings toward the child were intensified, when the * It was a Cupping his hand Gazing at his adoring wife, and silently counting his blessings, Ben another. from Adams venomous words, moved her arm around his heaving shoulders and venting towards his stepmother during the last year now finally made sense. accommodate their owner's recent growth spurt. story. his adoring father. the house. * into the hallway to his own room. the position he had taken earlier that evening. chin. Tears sprang involuntarily to her eyes, making the green He had seen her discreetly letting out the waist of some of her everyday Her ability to rise above the unpleasantness of her circumstance, and We jus took the extra time to make it round! He exclaimed in amazement. make him a face. Adam explained. Upon hearing the first notes from the small Jeans mother had been successful in her evil wasnt it, little brother?. the Oriental sir) spoke volumes. leaving for the days work and made to leave the room. Adam had now moved his body forward and was sitting on his would use.. They stood in silence as the rest of the wagon Oh, darling, His offhanded imaginable from this child, came forward and took his thin face between her Hop Sing, The childs misplaced, but very real, animosity was a good sign, and not merely that her little charge was louder than the All could see it last year has been for you and I like... 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bonanza fanfiction school