antony kidman child

I had just turned 16 when I was summoned before the Luciferian Grand Council that met in Sydney Universitys MacLaurin Hall. Beginning with Subproject 84, the University of Sydney became a major centre for MK-ULTRA hypnosis research during the early 1960s. The CIA! The Department of Corrective Services then sent me a letter to say that I had done nothing wrong but that I was being let go because I had been filling in for a woman on maternity leave (that was the first I had heard of this). 20 years ago, I worked as a parole officer. Keith took this, it was on his iPhone and I made him print the photo. I bring your attention to a January 14, 1953, memo entitled Interrogation techniques which states: Roger Rogerson never brought to justice. The other is the murder of a beautiful young nurse named Anita Cobby, committed by a gang of young men including Les Murphy. 1.15K subscribers Subscribe 234 5.7K views 2 years ago #FionaBarnett #nicolekidman News Article:. Seven babies were conceived out of this film and only one was a boy, Kidman later recounted to The Telegraph. The ICLCJ Court has been looking into Barnetts allegations against Kidman in relation to their investigation of the global elite Ninth Circle SatanicChildSacrifice Cult. As for Rose, Urbans brother Shane told an Australian radio station that it was inspired by the brothers late grandmother, Rose. The RCC is first of all a divine trust so willed by our Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of souls from Satanic bondage of mortal/capital sins who will come of their own free will choice and receive. Australia is ranked F the least cooperative. Antony Kidman dies amidst child abuse allegations. Her grandfather was Antony Kidman, the late . Your an amazing woman & braver than (any of these electronic troll warriers could ever be). The website stated that the cult organized secretive human hunting parties that included p*dophilia. Delta training included the weaponization of psychic ability, or psychic warfare training. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); "Whatever The Question, Love Is The Answer". We refer to these bottom feeders as coven scum. I wrote to police commissioners in both Queensland and NSW who sent me letters confirming Terry Goldsworthy had lied to the Queensland Psychology Board and to the Queensland AHPRA office. Thats keeping it real!, I am nothing without the love of my family , A post shared by Nicole Kidman (@nicolekidman) on May 29, 2019 at 2:51pm PDT. I have provided a short introduction to the documented, irrefutable presence of Project MK-ULTRA in Australia. The website also added: Barnett revealed that the Australian Royal Commission into Child S*xual Abuse was in the process of investigating Antony. Share. Instinctively I knew not to have anything to do with this. Later upon becoming a born again Christian and burning most of my occult materials, a mature Christian drove me home. we are missing a person, for a year now.I do think they silenced the high profile case in oz. His name was slammed this year during the Balenciaga child abuse scandal. The resultant article, Social Control in the Psychological Experiment: Antisocial Behaviour & Hypnosis, was co-authored by Martin Orne and Frederick Evans, a Sydney University psychology student. These people are not human and have no soul. Concerns credibility. Peter Holowczak was not solely to blame for my leaving the cult. The father of my children is of the Gardiner Luciferian bloodline. You must realize that these Satanists INVERT all things that are holy and sanctified. There are way too many red flags about this church but some dont take heed and sing their songs in church. The source, who. Most Sydney University staff were Luciferians. To protect wealthy pedophiles. Jan Levett overheard me screaming at Peter Holowczak that he was never to touch me again, by order of the Sutherland Shire high Luciferian priest Leonas Petrauskas. Any Christian worth his salt knows that Pergamum, as mentioned in the New Testament, is 'the seat of satan'. Ive printed this story out, but dont know who to show it to. And cmon, Sunny is such a precious nickname. Lucia is the daughter of Antonia Kidman, a former television presenter-turned-lawyer who is the sister of Oscar-winning actress Nicole Kidman. Some children were kidnapped off the streets. A month prior Fiona Barnett had filed a complaint with the Australian NSW police andChildAbuse Royal Commission alleging Kidmans sexual and physical assaults on her throughout childhood. Data and material collected from these labs were delivered to Australias main CIA / US Military underground facility at Pine Gap. Page 22 of this handbook states: ASOPA was founded by Labour party connected Alfred Conlon, who worked for British Intelligence. Therefore, my daughters are double targets of this Luciferian cult. Patricia Ann Conlon (nee Carden) was the Grande Dame of the Sydney area. Trigger Warning: P*dophilia and child s*xual abuse. Shots were fired andchildrenbegan dropping all around me. [1] Death [ edit] Kidman died from a heart attack on 12 September 2014 in Singapore, aged 75. This crazy days & nights blind item is about Nicole Kidman, her father &, One of the other real reasons why Tom Cruise divorced Nicole Kidman is she supports abuse. Over sixty eyewitnesses such as Barnett have testified of Ninth Circlechildsacrifice and pedophile activities that spanned the globe, including criminal activities againstchildrenin the Americas, Netherlands and UK commonwealth countries such asAustralia. A considerable number of these are victims of what I endured CIA child trafficking, ritual abuse, and CIA mind control. Her complaints were regarding his alleged s*xual and physical assaults which took place throughout the victims childhood. As far as Billy Graham goes, I mean how can we really confirm this? Antonia Kidman has six children according to her Instagram. So, I found a strong link between Antony Kidman and Hillsong church. When I was aged 9 years, I witnessed Antony Kidman preside over the ritual murder of a young boy in Sydney Universitys Great Hall. It is believed to bestow power on the practitioner. Nazism drew out and promoted those Slavics who secretly practised Luciferianism. However, they are hopefully provocative. They resemble the super soldiers developed at Pine Gap and Dulce 45 years ago. Well, according to the little girl's maternal grandfather, Dr. Antony Kidman, "Sunday" was inspired by the art world. You did start to see more of Brian Houston as time progressed. So why do the OTO feel it necessary to warn their members not to publicly perform ritual blood sacrifice? News ahead of last years Golden Globes, Kidman admitted she had more pressing matters on her mind that the awards show. When I was a child, the CIA said our enemy wascommunism Today, the CIA says our enemy isterrorism. The ones who like it were conditioned to be sexually aroused by it through being abused and exposed to such practises as children. Jesus was given all power in heaven and on earth. Until, that is, she took a break during filming the sweeping 2007 blockbuster Australia to take a dip in a local Australian watering hole. Kidman was dead within weeks of my notification against him. This was during the "revolution" of post Vatican II era. Rosalind Croucher studied at Sydney University also. Owing to his Jesuit training, Leonas Petrauskas assumed the role of head Luciferian priest within the Sutherland Shire Catholic diocese. I think she got my fair skin and thats about it. Kidman even admitted she playfully refers to Sunday as Keith-ette., Ten years ago today our little girl came into the world You are our joy Sunday Rose. I also witnessed the ritual murder of a woman by male guests dressed in black Luciferian robes. My group leader asked for the entities assailing this young lady to reveal themselves by name. As achildvictim of mind control I feel hes been sacrificed for failing to adequately program me.. Paul Wilson published pro-pedophilia articles on the Bond University website, in which he claimed children were willing participants in pedophilia and not harmed by it. These child trafficking DOCS staff had passed working with children safety checks. Peter obtained his Doberman dog from another Slavic Nazi war criminal who was granted asylum in Australia. I know that there are other victims of Kidmans crimes out there who are perhaps not as far along the healing path as I am. This evil reign will decelerate when "legal abortion" (sacrifice of the innocent children) of the most vulnerable human being in the womb, is struck from public law. Alfred Conlon also appointed CIA agent John Kerr (also my rapist) as principal of ASOPA. Helen almost named her youngest son Romance until an Aussie neighbour told her we dont do that sort of thing in Australia. This was an OTO themed ritual murder, with Kidman and four others dressed in rather camp, theatrical coloured robes based on the Eastern Star pentagram which dominates the Alistair Crowley Thelema offshoots including Freemasonry and the OTO. I am a victim of CIA child trafficking, Luciferian ritual abuse, and Project MK-ULTRA. Come out, come out to play your word game. I am grateful for your lucid memory. While I am thankful for coming to Christ via CLC Darlinghurst, Frank Houston did have that air of red lust, as per also the red lust on his face, when he would give you a hug; I was in my late teens at this time. In fact, HSBC was in recent years fined by USA authorities for still engaging in drug money laundering. All Rights Reserved. Their attack came after I rejected Katarina Fritzons sexual advances which included two sexual assaults, objected in class to pro-pedophile lecture content, and exposed Bond Universitys coverup of a child sex trafficking ring that involved the Queensland state Department of Childrens Services (DOCS). Their marriage ended shortly after the birth of their fourth child, with Kidman sharing, "Our family is going through a difficult time at present. We love you, the proud dad gushed. A circa 1956 untitled document describes the research centre or laboratory which the CIA constructed at Dulce: Ivan Milat was in the Luciferian cult that abused me, and the Milats associated with the Holowczaks. As for her age, when someone is sexually abused they dont forget. Dr Kidman was clinical psychologist at Royal North Shore Hospital and a director of health psychology at the . Perpetrators took turns sneaking up on me. THANK YOU FIONA FOR YOUR COURAGE!!! Dope Inc explains how and why the CIA run modern drug trafficking and money laundering as a single integrated world operation. They have a great work ethic, Kidman told WSJ Magazine of her future stars. She was previously married to Angus Hawley, with whom she had four children. My training was completed in the USA at age 14 years, byLieutenant ColonelMichael Aquino, in a special laboratory established at Dulce underground base. When I was 8 years old, my mother, brother and I painted a mural on my bedroom wall. Welp, Sunday nixed that idea. Mind control is a Luciferian tradition stemming back thousands of years. I will now lay the foundations for explaining the relationship between pedophilia, child trafficking, ritual abuse, mind control practises, and the CIAs Project MK-ULTRA. This man supplied dogs to the NSW Police force. If this was all true, do you honestly think that she would still be around to mention names. TheJesuitsare Luciferianswho practice ritual murder and child rape. A month prior Fiona Barnett had filed a complaint with the Australian NSW police and Child Abuse Royal Commission alleging Kidman's sexual and physical assaults on her throughout . After Whitlam threatened to expose Australias CIA agents, and shut down the CIA underground facility at Pine Gap, the CIA orchestrated a coup against Whitlam. I went upstairs to my room and searched through my desk. I don't recall the official story as having a huge amount of victims. The last time Dr. Antony Kidman made headlines was when he passed away in September 2014 in Singapore. In 2015, 7-foot tall genetically modified engineered soldiers were filmed beheading 21 Christians in Egypt during the CIA-orchestrated Arab fundamentalist uprising. I understand very well. Not trying to discredit her. Newspapers and army documents record that the US Army sent soldiers to Monroe for training in the Gateway Process. Says Jesus would remain silent on Catholic pedophile scandal, READ MORE: Pictures of her wearing clothes from Balenciagas controversial line remained on her Instagram profile at the time of writing this article. My grandparents and the other Slavic war criminals who were granted asylum in Australia, congregated to covertly practise their brand of Nazi Luciferianism here in Australia. The stories you care about, delivered daily. Thank you for your huge contribution to the shift. I was appointed to the Corrective Services office at Burleigh Heads. That is why Gittinger tested me at age 5 years using the Stanford Binet LM and the Block Design subtest of the Weschler series, the best measures of visual-spatial IQ. It take some REAL guts to come out & simply challenge (pretty much the world). Think about that one! It makes me ashamed to be human, just reading their comments. A woman named Catherine Hand wanted the job of boss of Bulreligh Heads office. In 1961, Wendy Thorn received a post-graduate research scholarship at the Australian national University (ANU) for studies on the placebo effect, after completing her thesis in 1960 at Sydney University, on posthypnotic amnesia. Which isnt to say I believe her story. He told me he only heard rumours of a super soldier program with children being employed as soldiers, to keep up with the Russians. Theme: Bushwick by James Dinsdale. Kidman was responsible for ensuring that I never disclosed pedophileringactivities that I witnessed as achild, she continued. I & LV & RV, went to Catholic Boys school, run by Jesuit Bros, also their mutual cousin, FDP, went to another Catholic Boys school (in the Chadstone area) also run by Jesuit Bros. Also FDPs Italian daddy told me (& others) about this other Jesuit connected Irish-Aussie doctor,called Dr McCarthy, who used to give his young male patients blow-jobs as a part of their treatment, it was said that Dr McCarthy was connected to Fr ODonnell! Another notable perpetrator named to the Wood Royal Commission was Bob Carr. Rosalind Croucher was ambitious, jealous, and wanted the position for herself; Consequently, after Patricia Anne Conlons death, Rosalind Croucher sought revenge by organising the Bathurst City Hall birthday gathering in 1985, in which I was raped on an alter by B-grade actor Bruce Spence in front of a room full of Luciferian pedophiles including multiple NSW Police and Catholic priests. Finding the Courage, Horowitz: We must stop the feds from tracking immunization status and imposing medical apartheid, How the Powerful Captured the Public in a Pandemic. In another article of theIndependent Australia Newsit was reported that Barnetts dramatic testimony put members in tears when she went before the Australian Royal Commission intoChildSexual Abuse. Antony Kidman heading to Singapore, dying etc after her making allegations a month earlier about him isnt sufficient, its only based on peoples suspicion. THE POWER ELITE HAVE GONE COMPLETELY MAD! Ivan Milat sought victims to be used in Luciferian rituals and helped dispose of bodies afterwards. Over time, the descendants of these Luciferian pedophile refugees collaborated with existing Luciferian dynasties such as the Kidmans, Conlons, Overtons, Huxleys, Cardens, and Cumpstons, and infiltrated Australian government and influenced law and policy. Advertising: Tailor information and advertising to your interests based on e.g. You have confirmed my worst fears in a good way. Whitlam was forced into compliance since the CIA had him compromised as a pedophile. Australian actress, Nicole Kidman (center) gets kisses from her parents, Janelle Kidman and Antony Kidman. Adrenochrone is a chemical created from oxidised adrenaline. Wake up World. My daughter just got cast in her school play, Kidman said of Sunday, adding, So, thats been the main priority, learning lines with her.. May Our Father in heaven bless and keep you! The latest workplace at which I was targeted by Luciferians was Bond University. My five basic splits were organised according to an Eastern Star pentagram shape, with a gatekeeper placed in the pentagon which sat in the middle of five doors. Patricia Anne Conlon was publicly recognised as a pioneering feminist and communist who worked for Labour Party pedophile Neville Wran. Privately owned forest groves were believed used in the US, Canada, France and Holland. Sybella Hawley was born in 2007 and was the last child of Antonia with Angus. Yesterday Barnett released her own theory about Kidman's death," The main perpetrator of my child sexual abuse, Antony Kidman, is dead after I filed formal complaints accusing him of the rape, torture and murder of children in an exclusive Sydney pedophile ring. Sutcliffes study considered whether multiple personality disorder stems from hypnotic suggestion, and if degrees of proneness to multiple personality are predictive of degrees of hypnotisability. MK-ULTRA mind control involved using unethical hypnosis to dissociate the mind and result in multiple personality disorder or DID. There is much jealousy and animosity directed by these lower members toward the blood-liners. The mature Christian was right in that while I had gotten rid of 99% of my occult materials, this tarot printout still remained. When my daughters do thisI've ALREADY WON!!!! Most Australians won't know of this, but their is much witchcraft and satanism in Perth, also conducted in the main park near the city. I had a near death experience while I was unconscious and saw a tunnel that resembled the one shown at the start of Dr Who. Thanks brave woman Fiona. Ivan Milat procured boy victims for abuse by VIP pedophiles at Costellos boy brothel. Her Australian parents welcomed her into the world in their adopted hometown of Nashville, Tennessee. My memories did not emerge due to therapeutic intervention, hypnosis, or the like. With the ministry we were doing, I met a young lady that told us that she had been passed around sexually throughout her childhood; this also with connections to black magic. Salt knows that Pergamum, as mentioned in the US, Canada, France and Holland a great work,... The Gardiner Luciferian bloodline not emerge due to therapeutic intervention, hypnosis, or psychic training... 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